
Mihaela Ion

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5EEMihaela Ion, Hristo Koshutanski, Volker Hoyer, Luigi Telesca: Rating Agencies Interoperation for Peer-to-Peer Online Transactions. SECURWARE 2008: 173-178
4 Alexandru Caracas, Iulia Ion, Mihaela Ion: Web Services and Data Caching for Java Mobile Clients. BTW Studierendenprogramm 2007: 10-12
3EEJörn Altmann, Mihaela Ion, Ashraf Adel Bany Mohammed: Taxonomy of Grid Business Models. GECON 2007: 29-43
2 Alexandru Caracas, Iulia Ion, Mihaela Ion, Hagen Höpfner: Towards Java-based Data Caching for Mobile Information System Clients. MMS 2007: 97-101
1EEHristo Koshutanski, Mihaela Ion, Luigi Telesca: Distributed Identity Management Model for Digital Ecosystems. SECURWARE 2007: 132-138

Coauthor Index

1Jörn Altmann [3]
2Alexandru Caracas [2] [4]
3Hagen Höpfner [2]
4Volker Hoyer [5]
5Iulia Ion [2] [4]
6Hristo Koshutanski [1] [5]
7Ashraf Adel Bany Mohammed [3]
8Luigi Telesca [1] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)