
Jacob Intrator

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9EEJacob Intrator: Experimental comparisons of codes for long transportation problems. Computers & OR 12(4): 391-394 (1985)
8EEJacob Intrator: An improved initial solution of a long transportation problem. Computers & OR 10(1): 23-28 (1983)
7EEJacob Intrator, G. Ehrlich: Identification of optimal variables during the solution process. Computers & OR 9(4): 297-301 (1982)
6 Jacob Intrator: Re-Utilizing the Simplex Loop in Solving the Transportation Problem. Angewandte Informatik 23(6): 239-244 (1981)
5EEJacob Intrator, Jacob Paroush: Improving loops and vanishing variables in long transportation problems. Computers & OR 5(2): 123-128 (1978)
4EEAchi Brandt, Jacob Intrator: Fast algorithms for long transportation problems. Computers & OR 5(4): 263-271 (1978)
3EEBenjamin Lev, Jacob Intrator: Application of vanishing variable methods to special structured transportation problems. Computers & OR 4(1): 21-26 (1977)
2EEJacob Intrator, Jacob Paroush: Sensitivity analysis of the classical transportation problem. A combinatorial approach. Computers & OR 4(3): 213-226 (1977)
1EEJacob Intrator, Benjamin Lev: Methods for identification of vanishing variables in transportation problems and its possible applications. Computers & OR 3(4): 295-304 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Achi Brandt [4]
2G. Ehrlich [7]
3Benjamin Lev [1] [3]
4Jacob Paroush [2] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)