
Armond Inselberg

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3 Armond Inselberg: Intelligent Instrumentation and Process Control. CAIA 1985: 302-307
2 Elliot Nestle, Armond Inselberg: The Synapse N+1 System: Architectural Characteristics and Performance Data of a Tightly-Coupled Multiprocessor System. ISCA 1985: 233-239
1EESteve Frank, Armond Inselberg: Synapse tightly coupled multiprocessors: a new approach to solve old problems. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1984: 41-50

Coauthor Index

1Steve Frank [1]
2Elliot Nestle [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)