
Masaki Inoue

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5EETakashi Hamaguchi, Masaki Inoue, Takamasa Yoshida, Koji Kawano, Hossam A. Gabbar, Kazuhiro Takeda, Yukiyasu Shimada, Teiji Kitajima, Yoshihiro Hashimoto: Integration of Multi-agent Controller and Scheduler for Multi-purpose and Multi-batch Plant. KES (2) 2007: 736-743
4EEMasaki Inoue, Seiji Yasunobu: Intelligent Soft Driving System for a Four-Wheeled Electric Vehicle Eluding Dynamic Obstacles. JACIII 8(4): 350-355 (2004)
3EEShinichiro Omachi, Masaki Inoue, Hirotomo Aso: Structure Extraction from Decorated Characters Using Multiscale Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(3): 315-322 (2001)
2EEShinichiro Omachi, Masaki Inoue, Hirotomo Aso: Structure Extraction from Various Kinds of Decorated Characters Using Multi-Scale Images. ICPR 2000: 4455-4458
1 Kohtaro Fujimoto, Satoru Kyo, Masahiro Takakura, Taro Kanaya, Yasuhide Kitagawa, Hideaki Itoh, Morinobu Takahashi, Masaki Inoue: Identification and characterization of negative regulatory elements of the human telomerase catalytic subunit (hTERT) gene promoter: possible role of MZF-2 in transcriptional repression of hTERT. Nucleic Acids Research 28(13): 2557-2562 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Hirotomo Aso [2] [3]
2Kohtaro Fujimoto [1]
3Hossam A. Gabbar [5]
4Takashi Hamaguchi [5]
5Yoshihiro Hashimoto [5]
6Hideaki Itoh [1]
7Taro Kanaya [1]
8Koji Kawano [5]
9Yasuhide Kitagawa [1]
10Teiji Kitajima [5]
11Satoru Kyo [1]
12Shinichiro Omachi (Shin'ichiro Omachi) [2] [3]
13Yukiyasu Shimada [5]
14Morinobu Takahashi [1]
15Masahiro Takakura [1]
16Kazuhiro Takeda [5]
17Seiji Yasunobu [4]
18Takamasa Yoshida [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)