
Atsuyuki Inoue

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6EEAtsuyuki Inoue, Akira Ito, Kunihiko Hiraishi, Katsushi Inoue: Inkdot versus Pebble over Two-Dimensional Languages. IEICE Transactions 88-A(5): 1173-1180 (2005)
5EEAtsuyuki Inoue, Akira Ito, Katsushi Inoue, Tokio Okazaki: Some properties of one-pebble Turing machines with sublogarithmic space. Theor. Comput. Sci. 341(1-3): 138-149 (2005)
4EEAtsuyuki Inoue, Katsushi Inoue, Akira Ito, Yue Wang, Tokio Okazaki: A note on one-pebble two-dimensional Turing machines. Inf. Sci. 162(3-4): 295-314 (2004)
3EEAtsuyuki Inoue, Akira Ito, Katsushi Inoue, Tokio Okazaki: Some Properties of One-Pebble Turing Machines with Sublogarithmic Space. ISAAC 2003: 635-644
2EEAtsuyuki Inoue, Katsushi Inoue, Akira Ito, Yue Wang, Tokio Okazaki: A note on one-pebble two-dimensional Turing machines. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 12: 360-371 (2003)
1EETokio Okazaki, Atsuyuki Inoue, Katsushi Inoue, Akira Ito, Yue Wang: Non-closure property of space-bounded two-dimensional alternating Turing machines. Inf. Sci. 146(1-4): 151-170 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Kunihiko Hiraishi [6]
2Katsushi Inoue [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3Akira Ito [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
4Tokio Okazaki [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Yue Wang [1] [2] [4]

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