
Maria Indrawan

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27EEEddie Leung, Maria Indrawan, Sea Ling: Toward a model of service interaction enabler in mobile environment. CSSSIA 2008: 8
26EESucha Smanchat, Sea Ling, Maria Indrawan: A survey on context-aware workflow adaptations. MoMM 2008: 414-417
25EELinda Dawson, Sea Ling, Maria Indrawan, Stephen Weeding, Juanita Fernando: Towards a framework for mobile information environments: a hospital-based example. MoMM 2008: 490-494
24EEFlora Dilys Salim, Licheng Cai, Maria Indrawan, Seng Wai Loke: Road Intersections as Pervasive Computing Environments: Towards a Multiagent Real-Time Collision Warning System. PerCom 2008: 621-626
23EEAlex Tze Hiang Sim, Maria Indrawan, Bala Srinivasan: The importance of negative associations and the discovery of association rule pairs. IJBIDM 3(2): 158-176 (2008)
22 Seng Wai Loke, Sea Ling, Maria Indrawan, Suryani Kurniati: Adaptive Workflows for Smart Devices - A Concrete Approach Towards Device Failures. ICEIS (4) 2007: 191-197
21 Maria Indrawan, Seng Wai Loke, Sea Ling, Frida Samara: Unobtrusive User Profiling: The Use of RFID to Create a Smart Wardrobe. IWRT 2007: 3-13
20EEVictor Juay, Maria Indrawan, Sea Ling: Realising aura for initiating interactions in real environments. Mobility Conference 2007: 151-158
19EESea Ling, Seng Wai Loke, Maria Indrawan: Towards a Model of Interaction for Mutual Aware Devices and Everyday Artifacts. UIC 2007: 184-194
18 Alex Tze Hiang Sim, Maria Indrawan: Importance of Negative Associations and Mining of Association Pairs. iiWAS 2007: 169-178
17EESea Ling, Maria Indrawan, Seng Wai Loke: RFID-based user profiling of fashion preferences: blueprint for a smart wardrobe. IJIPT 2(3/4): 153-164 (2007)
16 Maria Indrawan, Seng Wai Loke: How Effective is WordNet In Improving the Performance of Information Retrieval Systems? iiWAS 2006: 67-76
15 Shan Chen, Damminda Alahakoon, Maria Indrawan: Building an Adaptive Hierarchy of Clusters for Text Data. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2005: 7-12
14EEShan Chen, Damminda Alahakoon, Maria Indrawan: Background Knowledge Driven Ontology Discovery. EEE 2005: 202-207
13EEArif Bramantoro, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Maria Indrawan: A Semantic Distance Measure for Matching Web Services. WISE Workshops 2005: 217-226
12 Sucha Smanchat, Maria Indrawan, Sea Ling, Seng Wai Loke: Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications in Petri Nets for Run-Time Analysis of a Device Ecology. iiWAS 2005: 1113-1124
11EEJohn Page, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Maria Indrawan: Countering Security Vulnerabilities in Agent Execution Using a Self Executing Security Examination. AAMAS 2004: 1486-1487
10EEJohn Page, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Maria Indrawan: A Buddy Model of Security for Mobile Agent Communities Operating in Pervasive Scenarios. ACSW Frontiers 2004: 17-25
9EET. A. Soe, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Seng Wai Loke, Maria Indrawan, D. Sethi: AgentUDM: A Mobile Agent Based Support Infrastructure for Ubiquitous Data Mining. AINA (2) 2004: 256-259
8EEFlora Dilys Salim, Rosanne Price, Maria Indrawan, Shonali Krishnaswamy: Graphical Representation of XML Schema. APWeb 2004: 234-245
7EEFlora Dilys Salim, Rosanne Price, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Maria Indrawan: UML Documentation Support for XML Schema. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2004: 211-220
6EEJohn Page, Arkady B. Zaslavsky, Maria Indrawan: Countering Agent Security Vulnerabilities using an Extended SENSE Schema. IAT 2004: 183-189
5 Maria Indrawan, Chin Min Teoh, Shan Chen, Bala Srinivasan: Profiling System. IKE 2004: 266-274
4EEMaria Indrawan, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Tharmakulasingam Ranjan: Using Mobile Agents to Support Unreliable Database Retrieval Operations. AINA 2003: 538-542
3 Thalerngsak Kijthaweesinpoon, Maria Indrawan, Bala Srinivasan: A Unified Framework for E-commerce Negotiation Agents. iiWAS 2003
2 Campbell Wilson, Bala Srinivasan, Maria Indrawan: A General Inference Network Based Architecture for Multimedia Information Retrieval. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 347-350
1EEMaria Indrawan, Desra Ghazíon, Bala Srinivasan: Using Bayesian Networks as Retrieval Engines. TREC 1996

Coauthor Index

1Damminda Alahakoon (L. Damminda Alahakoon) [14] [15]
2Arif Bramantoro [13]
3Licheng Cai [24]
4Shan Chen [5] [14] [15]
5Linda Dawson [25]
6Juanita Fernando [25]
7Desra Ghazíon [1]
8Victor Juay [20]
9Thalerngsak Kijthaweesinpoon [3]
10Shonali Krishnaswamy [4] [7] [8] [9] [13]
11Suryani Kurniati [22]
12Eddie Leung [27]
13Sea Ling [12] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [25] [26] [27]
14Seng Wai Loke [9] [12] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22] [24]
15John Page [6] [10] [11]
16Rosanne Price [7] [8]
17Tharmakulasingam Ranjan [4]
18Flora Dilys Salim [7] [8] [24]
19Frida Samara [21]
20D. Sethi [9]
21Alex Tze Hiang Sim [18] [23]
22Sucha Smanchat [12] [26]
23T. A. Soe [9]
24Bala Srinivasan [1] [2] [3] [5] [23]
25Chin Min Teoh [5]
26Stephen Weeding [25]
27Campbell Wilson [2]
28Arkady B. Zaslavsky [6] [10] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)