
José Incera

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7EEJulio Orozco, David Ros, José Incera, Rodolfo Cartas: A simulation study of the Adaptive RIO (A-RIO) queue management algorithm. Computer Communications 28(3): 300-312 (2005)
6EERodolfo Cartas, Julio Orozco, José Incera, David Ros: A Fairness Study of the Adaptive RIO Active Queue Management Algorithm. ENC 2004: 57-63
5EEJosé Incera, Gerardo Rubino: Bit-Level and Packet-Level, or Pollaczec-Khintchine Formulae Revisited. QEST 2004: 82-89
4 José Incera, Gerardo Rubino: Fluid Simulation of TCP Flows. MMB 2001: 57-72
3 José Incera, Raymond A. Marie, David Ros, Gerardo Rubino: FluidSim: a tool to simulate fluid models of high-speed networks. Perform. Eval. 44(1-4): 25-49 (2001)
2EEJosé Incera, Raymond A. Marie, David Ros, Gerardo Rubino: FluidSim: A Tool to Simulate Fluid Models of High-Speed Networks. Computer Performance Evaluation / TOOLS 2000: 230-246
1 José Incera, Gerardo Rubino, Nicolás E. Stier Moses: On the application of accelerating simulation methods in network analysis. PDPTA 2000

Coauthor Index

1Rodolfo Cartas [6] [7]
2Raymond A. Marie [2] [3]
3Nicolás E. Stier Moses (Nicolás Stier Moses) [1]
4Julio Orozco [6] [7]
5David Ros [2] [3] [6] [7]
6Gerardo Rubino [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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