
Ohad Inbar

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4EEOhad Inbar, Noam Ben-Asher, Talya Porat, Dudu Mimran, Bracha Shapira, Peretz Shoval, Joachim Meyer, Noam Tractinsky: All the news that's fit to e-ink. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3621-3626
3EEOhad Inbar, Boaz Zilberman: Usability challenges in creating a multi-IM mobile application. Mobile HCI 2008: 453-456
2EEOhad Inbar, Noam Tractinsky, Joachim Meyer: Minimalism in information visualization: attitudes towards maximizing the data-ink ratio. ECCE 2007: 185-188
1EEOhad Inbar: Graphical representation of statistical information in situations of judgment and decision-making. ECCE 2007: 265-268

Coauthor Index

1Noam Ben-Asher [4]
2Joachim Meyer [2] [4]
3Dudu Mimran [4]
4Talya Porat [4]
5Bracha Shapira [4]
6Peretz Shoval [4]
7Noam Tractinsky [2] [4]
8Boaz Zilberman [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)