
Michael Imhoff

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7EEUrsula Gather, Roland Fried, Michael Imhoff, Claudia Becker: Patterns of Dependencies in Dynamic Multivariate Data. Pattern Detection and Discovery 2002: 214-226
6EERoland Fried, Ursula Gather, Michael Imhoff, Marcus Bauer: Some Statistical Methods in Intensive Care Online Monitoring - A Review. ISMDA 2000: 67-77
5 Katharina Morik, Michael Imhoff, Peter Brockhausen, Thorsten Joachims, Ursula Gather: Knowledge discovery and knowledge validation in intensive care. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 19(3): 225-249 (2000)
4 Katharina Morik, Michael Imhoff, Peter Brockhausen, Thorsten Joachims, Ursula Gather: Erratum to "Knowledge discovery and knowledge validation in intensive care". Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 20(2): 179 (2000)
3EEJay Liebowitz, Monica Adya, Bonnie Rubenstein-Montano, Victoria Y. Yoon, J. Judah Buchwalter, Michael Imhoff, Seung Baek, C. Suen: MACS: Multi-Agent COTR System for defense contracting. Knowl.-Based Syst. 13(5): 241-250 (2000)
2EEMichael Imhoff, Ursula Gather, Katharina Morik: Development of Decision Support Algorithms for Intensive Care Medicine: A New Approach Combining Time Series Analysis and a Knowledge Base System with Learning and Revision Capabilities. KI 1999: 219-230
1EEMichael Imhoff, Marcus Bauer, Ursula Gather: Time-Effect Relations of Medical Interventions in a Clinical Information System. KI 1999: 307-310

Coauthor Index

1Monica Adya [3]
2Seung Baek [3]
3Marcus Bauer [1] [6]
4Claudia Becker [7]
5Peter Brockhausen [4] [5]
6J. Judah Buchwalter [3]
7Roland Fried [6] [7]
8Ursula Gather [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9Thorsten Joachims [4] [5]
10Jay Liebowitz [3]
11Katharina Morik [2] [4] [5]
12Bonnie Rubenstein-Montano [3]
13C. Suen [3]
14Victoria Y. Yoon (Youngohc Yoon) [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)