
Mika Ilvesmäki

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7EEVisa Holopainen, Mika Ilvesmäki: A Parallel Architecture for IGP Weights Optimization. APNOMS 2007: 595-598
6 Evgenia Daskalova, Mika Ilvesmäki, Raimo Kantola: Analysis of Flow Inter-Arrival Time Distributions. EuroIMSA 2005: 59-64
5EEMika Ilvesmäki, Jouni Karvo: Notes on the Per-Flow Packet Count Flow Classifier. LCN 2001: 344-345
4 Jouni Karvo, Mika Ilvesmäki: Nondeterministic Classifier Performance Evaluation for Flow Based IP Switching. HPN 1998: 613-624
3EEMika Ilvesmäki, Marko Luoma, Raimo Kantola: Flow classification schemes in traffic-based multilayer IP switching - comparison between conventional and neural approach. Computer Communications 21(13): 1184-1194 (1998)
2EEMika Ilvesmäki, Kalevi Kilkki, Marko Luoma: Packets or ports: the decisions of IP switching. Broadband Networking Technologies 1997: 53-64
1EEMika Ilvesmäki, Marko Luoma: IP switching in a simplified ATM environment. Broadband Networking Technologies 1997: 65-76

Coauthor Index

1Evgenia Daskalova [6]
2Visa Holopainen [7]
3Raimo Kantola [3] [6]
4Jouni Karvo [4] [5]
5Kalevi Kilkki [2]
6Marko Luoma [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)