
Ioannis Iglezakis

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7EEIoannis Iglezakis, Thomas Reinartz, Thomas Roth-Berghofer: Maintenance Memories: Beyond Concepts and Techniques for Case Base Maintenance. ECCBR 2004: 227-241
6EEIoannis Iglezakis, Thomas Reinartz: Relations between Customer Requirements, Performance Measures, and General Case Properties for Case Base Maintenance. ECCBR 2002: 159-173
5 Ramona Friedrich, Ioannis Iglezakis, Wolfgang Klein, Sabine Pregizer: Experience-based decision support for project management with Case-Based Reasoning. German Workshop on Experience Management 2002: 139-150
4 Ioannis Iglezakis: Towards the Fast Monitoring of Case Properties. German Workshop on Experience Management 2002: 79-80
3EEIoannis Iglezakis: The Conflict Graph for Maintaining Case-Based Reasoning Systems. ICCBR 2001: 263-275
2 Thomas Reinartz, Ioannis Iglezakis, Thomas Roth-Berghofer: Review and Restore for Case-Based Maintenance. Computational Intelligence 17(2): 214-234 (2001)
1EEThomas Reinartz, Ioannis Iglezakis, Thomas Roth-Berghofer: On Quality Measures for Case Base Maintenance. EWCBR 2000: 247-259

Coauthor Index

1Ramona Friedrich [5]
2Wolfgang Klein [5]
3Sabine Pregizer [5]
4Thomas Reinartz [1] [2] [6] [7]
5Thomas Roth-Berghofer [1] [2] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)