
Yuuji Ichisugi

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7EEYuuji Ichisugi: A Cerebral Cortex Model that Self-Organizes Conditional Probability Tables and Executes Belief Propagation. IJCNN 2007: 178-183
6EEYuuji Ichisugi, Akira Tanaka: Difference-Based Modules: A Class-Independent Module Mechanism. ECOOP 2002: 62-88
5 Yuuji Ichisugi, Yves Roudier: The Extensible Java Preprocessor Kit and a Tiny Data-Parallel Java. ISCOPE 1997: 153-160
4 Kuniyasu Suzaki, Hitoshi Tanuma, Yuuji Ichisugi: Design of Combination of Time Sharing and Space Sharing For Parallel Task Scheduling. PDPTA 1997: 402-409
3 Kuniyasu Suzaki, Hitoshi Tanuma, Satoshi Hirano, Yuuji Ichisugi, Chris Connelly, Michiharu Tsukamoto: Multi-tasking Method on Parallel Computers which Combines a Contiguous and Non-contiguous Processor Partitioning Algorithm. PARA 1996: 641-650
2 Satoshi Matsuoka, Takuo Watanabe, Yuuji Ichisugi, Akinori Yonezawa: Object-Oriented Concurrent Reflective Architectures. Object-Based Concurrent Computing 1991: 211-226
1 Yuuji Ichisugi, Akinori Yonezawa: Exception Handling and Real Time Features in an Object-Oriented Concurrent Language. Concurrency: Theory, Language, And Architecture 1989: 92-109

Coauthor Index

1Chris Connelly [3]
2Satoshi Hirano [3]
3Satoshi Matsuoka [2]
4Yves Roudier [5]
5Kuniyasu Suzaki [3] [4]
6Akira Tanaka [6]
7Hitoshi Tanuma [3] [4]
8Michiharu Tsukamoto [3]
9Takuo Watanabe [2]
10Akinori Yonezawa [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)