
Ortrun Ibens

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8 Ortrun Ibens: Connection Tableau Calculi with Disjunctive Constraints. Studia Logica 70(2): 241-270 (2002)
7 Ortrun Ibens, Marc Fuchs: An Automated Theorem Prover Based on Connection Tableau Calculi with Disjunctive Constraints. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 10(1-2): 181-198 (2001)
6 Ortrun Ibens: Simultaneous Search in Connection Tableau Calculi by Means of Disjunctive Constraints. FLAIRS Conference 2000: 13-17
5 Ortrun Ibens: Search Space Compression in Connection Tableau Calculi Using Disjunctive Constraints. TABLEAUX 2000: 279-293
4 Ortrun Ibens, Reinhold Letz: Subgoal Alternation in Model Elimination. TABLEAUX 1997: 201-215
3 Ortrun Ibens: The SETHEO System (system description). WLP 1997: 0-
2 Max Moser, Ortrun Ibens, Reinhold Letz, Joachim Steinbach, Christoph Goller, Johann Schumann, Klaus Mayr: SETHEO and E-SETHEO - The CADE-13 Systems. J. Autom. Reasoning 18(2): 237-246 (1997)
1 Reiner Hähnle, Ortrun Ibens: Improving Temporal Logic Tableaux Using Integer Constraints. ICTL 1994: 535-539

Coauthor Index

1Marc Fuchs [7]
2Christoph Goller [2]
3Reiner Hähnle [1]
4Reinhold Letz [2] [4]
5Klaus Mayr [2]
6Max Moser [2]
7Johann Schumann [2]
8Joachim Steinbach [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)