
Rodolfo Ibarra-Orozco

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4EEAriel L. Garcia Gamboa, Miguel González-Mendoza, Rodolfo Ibarra-Orozco, Jaime Mora-Vargas, Neil Hernández-Gress: Hybrid Fuzzy-SV Clustering for Heart Disease Identification. CIMCA/IAWTIC 2006: 121
3EEAriel García-Gamboa, Neil Hernández-Gress, Miguel González-Mendoza, Rodolfo Ibarra-Orozco, Jaime Mora-Vargas: A Comparison of Different Initialization Strategies to Reduce the Training Time of Support Vector Machines. ICANN (2) 2005: 613-618
2EERodolfo Ibarra-Orozco, Neil Hernández-Gress, Juan Frausto Solís, Jaime Mora-Vargas: Increasing the Training Speed of SVM, the Zoutendijk Algorithm Case. ISSADS 2005: 312-320
1EEAriel García-Gamboa, Miguel González-Mendoza, Rodolfo Ibarra-Orozco, Neil Hernández-Gress, Jaime Mora-Vargas: Comparison of SVM-Fuzzy Modelling Techniques for System Identification. MICAI 2005: 494-503

Coauthor Index

1Ariel L. Garcia Gamboa [4]
2Ariel García-Gamboa [1] [3]
3Miguel González-Mendoza [1] [3] [4]
4Neil Hernández-Gress [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Jaime Mora-Vargas [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Juan Frausto Solís [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)