
Aniello Iazzetta

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6EEIvan De Falco, Antonio Della Cioppa, Aniello Iazzetta, Ernesto Tarantino: An evolutionary approach for automatically extracting intelligible classification rules. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 7(2): 179-201 (2005)
5 Ivan De Falco, Aniello Iazzetta, Ernesto Tarantino, Antonio Della Cioppa, G. Trautteur: A Kolmogorov Complexity-based Genetic Programming Tool for String Compression. GECCO 2000: 427-434
4 Ivan De Falco, Aniello Iazzetta, Ernesto Tarantino, Antonio Della Cioppa, A. Iacuelli: Towards a Simulation of Natural Mutation. GECCO 1999: 156-163
3EEIvan De Falco, Antonio Della Cioppa, Aniello Iazzetta, Ernesto Tarantino: A new mutation operator for evolutionary airfoil design. Soft Comput. 3(1): 44-51 (1999)
2EEIvan De Falco, Aniello Iazzetta, P. Natale, Ernesto Tarantino: Evolutionary Neural Networks for Nonlinear Dynamics Modeling. PPSN 1998: 593-602
1EEAniello Iazzetta, C. Sanges, U. Scafuri: Tree-Based Communication Model for WK-Recursive Networks. PDP 1996: 204-210

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Della Cioppa [3] [4] [5] [6]
2Ivanoe De Falco (Ivan De Falco) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
3A. Iacuelli [4]
4P. Natale [2]
5C. Sanges [1]
6U. Scafuri [1]
7Ernesto Tarantino [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
8G. Trautteur [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)