
Tzonelih Hwang

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52EEYu-Chuan Liu, Hsiang-An Wen, Chun-Li Lin, Tzonelih Hwang: Proxy-protected signature secure against the undelegated proxy signature attack. Computers & Electrical Engineering 33(3): 177-185 (2007)
51EETzonelih Hwang, Kuo-Chang Lee, Chuan-Ming Li: Provably Secure Three-Party Authenticated Quantum Key Distribution Protocols. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 4(1): 71-80 (2007)
50EEJui-Ting Chung, Chuan-Ming Li, Tzonelih Hwang: All-in-one group-oriented cryptosystem based on bilinear pairing. Inf. Sci. 177(24): 5651-5663 (2007)
49EEPei-Hui Huang, Hsiang-An Wen, Chih-Hung Wang, Tzonelih Hwang: On the Proxy-Protected Property of Chen et al.'s Proxy Multisignature Schemes. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 18(1): 55-60 (2007)
48EEChuan-Ming Li, Tzonelih Hwang, Narn-Yih Lee: Security Flaw in Simple Generalized Group-Oriented Cryptosystem Using ElGamal Cryptosystem. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 18(1): 61-66 (2007)
47EEHsiang-An Wen, Chun-Li Lin, Tzonelih Hwang: Provably secure authenticated key exchange protocols for low power computing clients. Computers & Security 25(2): 106-113 (2006)
46EEChi-Chao Chang, Tzonelih Hwang: Modular Design for Round-Oriented Password Authentication Protocols. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 22(5): 1295-1308 (2006)
45EEHsiang-An Wen, Kuo-Chang Lee, Sheng-Yu Hwang, Tzonelih Hwang: On the traceability on RSA-based partially signature with low computation. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(1): 421-425 (2005)
44EEHsiang-An Wen, Sheng-Yu Hwang, Tzonelih Hwang: On the unlinkability of randomization-enhanced Chaum's blind signature scheme. Applied Mathematics and Computation 164(3): 799-803 (2005)
43EEHung-Min Sun, Bing-Chang Chen, Tzonelih Hwang: Secure key agreement protocols for three-party against guessing attacks. Journal of Systems and Software 75(1-2): 63-68 (2005)
42EETian-Fu Lee, Tzonelih Hwang, Chun-Li Lin: Enhanced three-party encrypted key exchange without server public keys. Computers & Security 23(7): 571-577 (2004)
41EETian-Fu Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: Improved conference key distribution protocol based on a symmetric balanced incomplete block design. Operating Systems Review 38(3): 58-64 (2004)
40 Chun-Li Lin, Tzonelih Hwang: A password authentication scheme with secure password updating. Computers & Security 22(1): 68-72 (2003)
39EEHung-Min Sun, Her-Tyan Yeh, Tzonelih Hwang: On the Linkability of Some Group Signature Schemes. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 14(1): 85-94 (2003)
38EEBin-Tsan Hsieh, Hung-Min Sun, Tzonelih Hwang: On the Security of Some Password Authentication Protocols. Informatica, Lith. Acad. Sci. 14(2): 195-204 (2003)
37EEHer-Tyan Yeh, Hung-Min Sun, Tzonelih Hwang: Efficient Three-Party Authentication and Key Agreement Protocols Resistant to Password Guessing Attacks. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 19(6): 1059-1070 (2003)
36EENarn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: New Multistage Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Factorization Problem. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 17(3): 525-529 (2001)
35 Chun-Li Lin, Hung-Min Sun, Tzonelih Hwang: Efficient and Practical DHEKE Protocols. Operating Systems Review 35(1): 41-47 (2001)
34EENarn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang, Chuan-Ming Li: (t, n) Threshold Untraceable Signatures. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 16(6): 835-846 (2000)
33 Chun-Li Lin, Hung-Min Sun, Tzonelih Hwang: Three-party Encrypted Key Exchange: Attacks and A Solution. Operating Systems Review 34(4): 12-20 (2000)
32EEMarc Joye, Narn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: On the Security of the Lee-Chang Group Signature Scheme and Its Derivatives. ISW 1999: 47-51
31 Narn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: Comments on ``Dynamic Key Management Schemes for Access control in a Hierarchy''. Computer Communications 22(1): 87-89 (1999)
30EENarn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: On the security of fair blind signature scheme using oblivious transfer. Computer Communications 22(3): 287-290 (1999)
29EEJiun-Jang Tsai, Tzonelih Hwang, Chih-Hung Wang: New generalized group-oriented cryptosystem based on Diffie-Hellman scheme. Computer Communications 22(8): 727-729 (1999)
28EENarn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: Group-oriented undeniable signature schemes with a trusted center. Computer Communications 22(8): 730-734 (1999)
27EEChih-Hung Wang, Tzonelih Hwang, Narn-Yih Lee: Comments on Two Group Signatures. Inf. Process. Lett. 69(2): 95-97 (1999)
26EENarn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang, Chih-Hung Wang: The Security of Two ID-Based Multisignature Protocols for Sequential and Broadcasting Architectures. Inf. Process. Lett. 70(2): 79-81 (1999)
25EENarn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang, Chih-Hung Wang: On Zhang's Nonrepudiable Proxy Signature Schemes. ACISP 1998: 415-422
24EETzonelih Hwang, Chih-Hung Wang: Arbetrated Unconditionally Secure Authentication Scheme with Multi-Senders. Inf. Process. Lett. 65(4): 189-193 (1998)
23EEChih-Hung Wang, Tzonelih Hwang: Threshold and Generalized DSS Signatures without a Trusted Party. ACSAC 1997: 221-226
22 Tzonelih Hwang, Chih-Hung Wang: Arbitrated Unconditionally Secure Authentication Scheme with Multi-senders. ISW 1997: 266-272
21EEChih-Hung Wang, Tzonelih Hwang: Modified Chen-Hwang identity-based conference key broadcast schemes with user authentication. Computers & Security 16(4): 339-344 (1997)
20EEChih-Hung Wang, Tzonelih Hwang, Jiun-Jang Tsai: On the Matsumoto and Imai's Human Identification Scheme. EUROCRYPT 1995: 382-392
19EETzonelih Hwang, Narn-Yih Lee, Chih-Hung Wang, Ming-Yung Ko: On the security of Wu and Yeh's conference key distribution system. Computer Communications 18(12): 978-981 (1995)
18EEYung-Hsiang Chen, Tzonelih Hwang: ID-based non-interactive zero-knowledge proof system based on one-out-of-two non-interactive oblivious transfer. Computer Communications 18(12): 993-996 (1995)
17EETzonelih Hwang, Narn-Yih Lee, Chuan-Ming Li, Ming-Yung Ko, Yung-Hsiang Chen: Two Attacks on Neuman-Stubblebine Authentication Protocols. Inf. Process. Lett. 53(2): 103-107 (1995)
16EETzonelih Hwang, Yung-Hsiang Chen: On the Security of SPLICE/AS - The Authentication System in WIDE Internet. Inf. Process. Lett. 53(2): 91-101 (1995)
15 Jau-Liang Chen, Tzonelih Hwang: How to Thwart the Mafia Attack. Inf. Sci. 85(1-3): 99-104 (1995)
14EEChuan-Ming Li, Tzonelih Hwang, Narn-Yih Lee: Threshold-Multisignature Schemes where Suspected Forgery Implies Traceability of Adversarial Shareholders. EUROCRYPT 1994: 194-204
13EEMing-Yung Ko, Tzonelih Hwang, Chin-Chen Chang: Attacks on an ID-based signature scheme based on Rabin's public key cryptosystem. Computer Communications 17(9): 674-676 (1994)
12EEJau-Liang Chen, Tzonelih Hwang: Identity-based conference key broadcast schemes with user authentication. Computers & Security 13(1): 53-57 (1994)
11EENarn-Yih Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: A Pseudo-Key Scheme for Dynamic Access Control in a Hierarchy. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 11(4): 601-610 (1994)
10EEChuan-Ming Li, Tzonelih Hwang, Narn-Yih Lee: Remark on the Threshold RSA Signature Scheme. CRYPTO 1993: 413-420
9 Tzonelih Hwang: Scheme for Secure Digital Mobile Communications Based on Symmetric Key Cryptography. Inf. Process. Lett. 48(1): 35-37 (1993)
8 Tzonelih Hwang: Protocols for Group Oriented Secret Sharing. Inf. Process. Lett. 42(4): 179-182 (1992)
7 Tzonelih Hwang: Attacks on Okamoto and Tanaka's One-Way ID-Based Key Distribution System. Inf. Process. Lett. 43(2): 81-86 (1992)
6 Tzonelih Hwang: Efficient ID-Based Key Distribution with Tamperfree Devices. Inf. Process. Lett. 44(1): 31-34 (1992)
5EETzonelih Hwang, Yihfuh Wang: Parallel Decoding of the (31, 16, 7) Quadratic Residue Code . J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 8(1): 157-166 (1992)
4EETzonelih Hwang: Cryptosystem for Group Oriented Cryptography. EUROCRYPT 1990: 352-360
3EEChi-Sung Laih, Lein Harn, Jau-Yien Lee, Tzonelih Hwang: Dynamic Threshold Scheme Based on the Definition of Cross-Product in an N-Dimentional Linear Space. CRYPTO 1989: 286-298
2EETzonelih Hwang, T. R. N. Rao: Private-Key Algebraic-Code Cryptosystems with High Information Rates (Extended Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1989: 657-661
1EETzonelih Hwang, T. R. N. Rao: Secret Error-Correcting Codes (SECC). CRYPTO 1988: 540-563

Coauthor Index

1Chi-Chao Chang [46]
2Chin-Chen Chang [13]
3Bing-Chang Chen [43]
4Jau-Liang Chen [12] [15]
5Yung-Hsiang Chen [16] [17] [18]
6Jui-Ting Chung [50]
7Lein Harn [3]
8Bin-Tsan Hsieh [38]
9Pei-Hui Huang [49]
10Sheng-Yu Hwang [44] [45]
11Marc Joye [32]
12Ming-Yung Ko [13] [17] [19]
13Chi-Sung Laih [3]
14Jau-Yien Lee [3]
15Kuo-Chang Lee [45] [51]
16Narn-Yih Lee [10] [11] [14] [17] [19] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [31] [32] [34] [36] [48]
17Tian-Fu Lee [41] [42]
18Chuan-Ming Li [10] [14] [17] [34] [48] [50] [51]
19Chun-Li Lin [33] [35] [40] [42] [47] [52]
20Yu-Chuan Liu [52]
21T. R. N. Rao (Thammavarapu R. N. Rao) [1] [2]
22Hung-Min Sun [33] [35] [37] [38] [39] [43]
23Jiun-Jang Tsai [20] [29]
24Chih-Hung Wang [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [29] [49]
25Yihfuh Wang [5]
26Hsiang-An Wen [44] [45] [47] [49] [52]
27Her-Tyan Yeh [37] [39]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)