
Andrei Hutanu

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9EECornelius Toole Jr., Andrei Hutanu: Network flow based resource brokering and optimization techniques for distributed data streaming over optical networks. Mardi Gras Conference 2008: 12
8EEAndrei Hutanu, Ravi Paruchuri, Daniel Eiland, Milos Liska, Petr Holub, Steven R. Thorpe, Yufeng Xin: Uncompressed HD video for collaborative teaching - an experiment. CollaborateCom 2007: 253-261
7EEStephan Hirmer, Hartmut Kaiser, André Merzky, Andrei Hutanu, Gabrielle Allen: Seamless Integration of Generic Bulk Operations in Grid Applications. OTM Workshops (1) 2006: 52-54
6EEAndrei Hutanu, Gabrielle Allen, Stephen David Beck, Petr Holub, Hartmut Kaiser, Archit Kulshrestha, Milos Liska, Jon MacLaren, Ludek Matyska, Ravi Paruchuri, Steffen Prohaska, Edward Seidel, Brygg Ullmer, Shalini Venkataraman: Distributed and collaborative visualization of large data sets using high-speed networks. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(8): 1004-1010 (2006)
5EEPetr Holub, Ludek Matyska, Milos Liska, Lukás Hejtmánek, Jirí Denemark, Tomás Rebok, Andrei Hutanu, Ravi Paruchuri, Jan Radil, Eva Hladká: High-definition multimedia for multiparty low-latency interactive communication. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 22(8): 856-861 (2006)
4EERalf Kähler, Steffen Prohaska, Andrei Hutanu, Hans-Christian Hege: Visualization of Time-Dependent Remote Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data. IEEE Visualization 2005: 23
3EEJon MacLaren, Gabrielle Allen, Chirag Dekate, Dayong Huang, Andrei Hutanu, Chongjie Zhang: Shelter from the Storm: Building a Safe Archive in a Hostile World. OTM Workshops 2005: 294-303
2EEThorsten Schütt, André Merzky, Andrei Hutanu, Florian Schintke: Remote partial file access using compact pattern descriptions. CCGRID 2004: 482-489
1EESteffen Prohaska, Andrei Hutanu, Ralf Kähler, Hans-Christian Hege: Interactive Exploration of Large Remote Micro-CT Scans. IEEE Visualization 2004: 345-352

Coauthor Index

1Gabrielle Allen [3] [6] [7]
2Stephen David Beck [6]
3Chirag Dekate [3]
4Jirí Denemark [5]
5Daniel Eiland [8]
6Hans-Christian Hege [1] [4]
7Lukás Hejtmánek [5]
8Stephan Hirmer [7]
9Eva Hladká [5]
10Petr Holub [5] [6] [8]
11Dayong Huang [3]
12Ralf Kähler [1] [4]
13Hartmut Kaiser [6] [7]
14Archit Kulshrestha [6]
15Milos Liska [5] [6] [8]
16Jon MacLaren [3] [6]
17Ludek Matyska [5] [6]
18André Merzky [2] [7]
19Ravi Paruchuri [5] [6] [8]
20Steffen Prohaska [1] [4] [6]
21Jan Radil [5]
22Tomás Rebok [5]
23Florian Schintke [2]
24Thorsten Schütt [2]
25Edward Seidel [6]
26Steven R. Thorpe [8]
27Cornelius Toole Jr. [9]
28Brygg Ullmer [6]
29Shalini Venkataraman [6]
30Yufeng Xin [8]
31Chongjie Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)