
Fiaz Hussain

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9EEJohn Cowell, Fiaz Hussain: Amharic Character Recognition using a Fast Signature Based Algorithm. IV 2003: 384-389
8EEJohn Cowell, Fiaz Hussain: A Fast Recognition System for Isolated Arab c Characters. IV 2002: 650-
7EEJohn Cowell, Fiaz Hussain: Thinning Arabic Characters for Feature Extraction. IV 2001: 181-185
6EEFiaz Hussain, Borut Zalik, Simon Kolmanic: Intelligent Digitization of Arabic Characters. IV 2000: 337-342
5EEFiaz Hussain, John Cowell: Character Recognition of Arabic and Latin Scripts. IV 2000: 51-56
4EEFiaz Hussain, Borut Zalik: Towards a Feature-Based Interactive System for Intelligent Font Design. IV 1999: 378-383
3EEPat Jefferies, Fiaz Hussain: Multimedia Information Systems in Education. IV 1999: 490-495
2EEMichael L. V. Pitteway, Fiaz Hussain: On Modelling the Bezier Cubic in Algebraic Form. IV 1998: 78
1 Fiaz Hussain, Michael L. V. Pitteway: Rasterizing the Outlines of Fonts. Electronic Publishing 6(3): 171-181 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1John Cowell [5] [7] [8] [9]
2Pat Jefferies [3]
3Simon Kolmanic [6]
4Michael L. V. Pitteway [1] [2]
5Borut Zalik [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)