
Dil Muhammad Akbar Hussain

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9EEDil Muhammad Akbar Hussain, Abdul Qadeer Khan Rajput, Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, Quintin Gee: Wireless Networks, Information Processing and Systems, International Multi Topic Conference, IMTIC 2008, Jamshoro, Pakistan, April 11-12, 2008, Revised Selected Papers Springer 2009
8EEDaniel Ortiz Arroyo, Dil Muhammad Akbar Hussain: An Information Theory Approach to Identify Sets of Key Players. EuroISI 2008: 15-26
7EEDil Muhammad Akbar Hussain, Daniel Ortiz Arroyo: Locating Key Actors in Social Networks Using Bayes' Posterior Probability Framework. EuroISI 2008: 27-38
6EEM. Zafar Ullah Khan, M. Mubashir Hussain, Dil Muhammad Akbar Hussain: Design and Implementation of a Selective Harmonic Elimination SPWM Strategy-Based Inverter. IMTIC 2008: 319-331
5EEDil Muhammad Akbar Hussain, Shaiq A. Haq, M. Zafar Ullah Khan, Zaki Ahmed: Case Study: Investigating the Performance of Interactive Multiple Motion Model Algorithm for a Crossing Target Scenario. IMTIC 2008: 332-342
4EEDil Muhammad Akbar Hussain: Terrorist Networks Analysis through Argument Driven Hypotheses Model. ARES 2007: 480-492
3EEDil Muhammad Akbar Hussain, Ole Thomsen Buus, Fsehazion Kiros, Nicholas Wichmann, Balatharan Selvarajah, Zaki Ahmad: A Framework to build an object oriented mathematical tool with computer algebra system (CAS) capability. ICSC 2007: 45-52
2 Dil Muhammad Akbar Hussain, Zaki Ahmed: Controlled Computational Load Scheme for Information Processing in Closely Packed Object Environment. IMECS 2007: 2429-2434
1EEDil Muhammad Akbar Hussain: Destabilization of Terrorist Networks through Argument Driven Hypothesis Model. JSW 2(6): 22-29 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Zaki Ahmad [3]
2Zaki Ahmed [2] [5]
3Daniel Ortiz Arroyo [7] [8]
4Ole Thomsen Buus [3]
5Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry [9]
6Quintin Gee [9]
7Shaiq A. Haq [5]
8M. Mubashir Hussain [6]
9M. Zafar Ullah Khan [5] [6]
10Fsehazion Kiros [3]
11Abdul Qadeer Khan Rajput [9]
12Balatharan Selvarajah [3]
13Nicholas Wichmann [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)