
Karen E. Huff

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13EEJin Jing, Karen E. Huff, Benjamin Hurwitz, Himanshu Sinha, Bill Robinson, Mark Feblowitz: WHAM: Supporting Mobile Workforce and Applications in Workflow Environments. RIDE 2000: 31-38
12EEWang-Chien Lee, Johnson Lee, Karen E. Huff: On Simulation Modeling of Information Dissemination Systems in Mobile Environments. MDA 1999: 45-57
11EEJin Jing, Karen E. Huff, Himanshu Sinha, Benjamin Hurwitz, Bill Robinson: Workflow and Application Adaptations in Mobile Environments. WMCSA 1999: 62-69
10EEKaren E. Huff: Process measurement through process modeling and simulation. ISPW 1996: 83-85
9 Karen E. Huff: Software Process Measurement - Session Summary. ISPW 1993: 18-21
8 Karen E. Huff: From Software Process Engineering to Business Process Reengineering. ISPW 1993: 98-101
7 Karen E. Huff: Supporting change in plan-based processes. ISPW 1991: 67-69
6 Karen E. Huff: On the relationship between software processes and software products. ISPW 1990: 109-112
5 Karen E. Huff: GRAPPLE example: processes as plans. ISPW 1989: 156-158
4 Karen E. Huff: Software process instatiation and the planning paradigm. ISPW 1989: 71-73
3 Karen E. Huff: Probing limits to automation: towards deeper process models. ISPW 1988: 79-81
2 Karen E. Huff, Victor R. Lesser: A Plan-based Intelligent Assistant That Supports the Software Development Process. Software Development Environments (SDE) 1988: 97-106
1 Karen E. Huff: A Database Model for Effective Configuration Management in the Programming Environment. ICSE 1981: 54-62

Coauthor Index

1Mark Feblowitz [13]
2Benjamin Hurwitz [11] [13]
3Jin Jing [11] [13]
4Johnson Lee [12]
5Wang-Chien Lee [12]
6Victor R. Lesser [2]
7Bill Robinson [11] [13]
8Himanshu Sinha [11] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)