
Yin-Fu Huang

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38 Sing-Wu Liou, Yin-Fu Huang: Mining Intronic Sequence Features of Splice Sites with Depth-Breadth Fused Codon Analyses. BIOCOMP 2008: 203-209
37EESing-Wu Liou, Yin-Fu Huang: Investigating the Intrinsic Differences in Flank Regions of Exon-Intron Junction Sites. BMEI (2) 2008: 96-101
36EEChieh-Ming Wu, Yin-Fu Huang: An Efficient Data Structure for Mining Generalized Association Rules. FSKD (2) 2008: 565-571
35 Yin-Fu Huang, Mu-Liang Guo: A Locking Protocol for DOM API on XML Documents. ICEIS (1) 2008: 105-
34EEYin-Fu Huang, Shing-Hang Wang: An Efficient XML query processing based on combining T-Bitmap and index techniques. ISCC 2008: 858-863
33 Yin-Fu Huang, Yu-Yu Huang: A Framework Automating Domain Ontology Construction. WEBIST (2) 2008: 16-25
32EEYin-Fu Huang, Kun-Hao Lin: Global data allocation based on user behaviors in mobile computing environments. Computer Communications 31(10): 2420-2427 (2008)
31EEYin-Fu Huang, Jhao-Min Hsu: Mining web logs to improve hit ratios of prefetching and caching. Knowl.-Based Syst. 21(1): 62-69 (2008)
30EEYin-Fu Huang, Chun-Hao Hsu: PubMed smarter: Query expansion with implicit words based on gene ontology. Knowl.-Based Syst. 21(8): 927-933 (2008)
29EEYin-Fu Huang, Chui-Yi Chiu: Dynamically adjusting MPEG4 video streams based on network bandwidth. Multimedia Tools Appl. 36(3): 267-284 (2008)
28EEYin-Fu Huang, Yi-Chao Jhan, Sing-Wu Liou: Finding putative core promoter elements with position-dependent consensuses. SAC 2007: 138-139
27EEYin-Fu Huang, Ming-Fei Lee: Synchronization among neighbouring RNCs in a TD-CDMA mobile network. Int. J. Communication Systems 20(5): 553-569 (2007)
26EEYin-Fu Huang, Tsung-Yi Chiu: Radio resource management for a mobile network with TD-CDMA. Computer Communications 30(1): 132-143 (2006)
25EEYin-Fu Huang, Min-Hsiu Chuang: Fault tolerance for home agents in mobile IP. Computer Networks 50(18): 3686-3700 (2006)
24EEYin-Fu Huang, Chao-Nan Chen: Implementation for the Arrangement and Mining Analysis of Travel Schedules. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 22(1): 123-146 (2006)
23EEYin-Fu Huang, Chia-Ming Wang: Integration of Knowledge-Discovery and Artificial-Intelligence Approaches for Promoter Recognition in DNA Sequences. ICITA (1) 2005: 459-464
22EEYin-Fu Huang, Jhao-Min Hsu: Mining Web Logs to Improve Hit Ratios of Prefetching and Caching. Web Intelligence 2005: 577-580
21EEYin-Fu Huang, Hung-Ming Ho: Pinned demand paging based on the access frequency of video files in video servers. Journal of Systems and Software 78(3): 223-233 (2005)
20EEYin-Fu Huang, Jiing-Maw Huang: Disk Scheduling onMultimedia Storage Servers. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(1): 77-82 (2004)
19EEYin-Fu Huang, Chih-Chiang Fang: Load balancing for clusters of VOD servers. Inf. Sci. 164(1-4): 113-138 (2004)
18EEYin-Fu Huang, Shao-Yuan Lin: Mining Sequential Patterns Using Graph Search Techniques. COMPSAC 2003: 4-9
17EEYin-Fu Huang, Chih-Chien Chuang: A Placement Strategy of Multimedia Objects Based on Temporal Relationships. Int. J. Comput. Math. 80(2): 133-149 (2003)
16EEYin-Fu Huang, Chieh-Ming Wu: Mining Generalized Association Rules Using Pruning Techniques. ICDM 2002: 227-234
15 Yin-Fu Huang, Chih-Chiang Fang: Load Balancing for Clusters of VOD Servers. IMSA 2002: 371-376
14EEYin-Fu Huang, Jung-Hau Lin: A placement strategy of multimedia objects in multimedia information systems. Journal of Systems and Software 62(3): 181-193 (2002)
13 J. K. Chen, Yeh-Hao Chin, Yin-Fu Huang: Key factors for improving performance of concurrency control algorithms. Inf. Sci. 138(1-4): 137-154 (2001)
12EEYin-Fu Huang, Jyh-Her Chen: Fragment Allocation in Distributed Database Design. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 17(3): 491-506 (2001)
11EEYin-Fu Huang, Bo-Wei Chao: A priority-based resource allocation strategy in distributed computing networks. Journal of Systems and Software 58(3): 221-233 (2001)
10 Yin-Fu Huang, Bo-Wei Chao: A Priority-based Resource Allocation Strategy in Distributed Computing Networks. PDPTA 2000
9 Yin-Fu Huang, Jau-Min Chen: The study of indexing techniques on object oriented databases. Inf. Sci. 130(1-4): 109-131 (2000)
8EEYin-Fu Huang, Tien-Yu Hsu: A Design and Implementation of Museum Multimedia Information System. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 15(2): 273-286 (1999)
7EEYin-Fu Huang, Chien-Chie Mao, Jyh-Her Chen: A simulation model for the primary copy strategy in distributed INGRES. Journal of Systems and Software 41(1): 51-61 (1998)
6 J. K. Chen, Yin-Fu Huang, Yeh-Hao Chin: A Study of Concurrent Operations on R-Trees. Inf. Sci. 98(1-4): 263-300 (1997)
5 Yin-Fu Huang, Yeh-Hao Chin: A Mathematical Analysis on 2PL and Tree Protocol. Inf. Sci. 88(1-4): 69-93 (1996)
4 Yin-Fu Huang, Chin-Huei Van: Vertical Partitioning in Database Design. Inf. Sci. 86(1-3): 19-35 (1995)
3EEYin-Fu Huang, Yeh-Hao Chin: A New Methodology to Evaluate Locking Protocols. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 2(4): 431-435 (1990)
2EEYin-Fu Huang, Yeh-Hao Chin: An Ordering Based Concurrency Control Protocol and Its Mathematical Behavior. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 5(1): 73-101 (1989)
1 Yin-Fu Huang, Y. H. Chin: Performance Evaluation of Three Locking Protocols. Performance 1987: 447-465

Coauthor Index

1Bo-Wei Chao [10] [11]
2Chao-Nan Chen [24]
3J. K. Chen [6] [13]
4Jau-Min Chen [9]
5Jyh-Her Chen [7] [12]
6Y. H. Chin [1]
7Yeh-Hao Chin [2] [3] [5] [6] [13]
8Chui-Yi Chiu [29]
9Tsung-Yi Chiu [26]
10Chih-Chien Chuang [17]
11Min-Hsiu Chuang [25]
12Chih-Chiang Fang [15] [19]
13Mu-Liang Guo [35]
14Hung-Ming Ho [21]
15Chun-Hao Hsu [30]
16Jhao-Min Hsu [22] [31]
17Tien-Yu Hsu [8]
18Jiing-Maw Huang [20]
19Yu-Yu Huang [33]
20Yi-Chao Jhan [28]
21Ming-Fei Lee [27]
22Jung-Hau Lin [14]
23Kun-Hao Lin [32]
24Shao-Yuan Lin [18]
25Sing-Wu Liou [28] [37] [38]
26Chien-Chie Mao [7]
27Chin-Huei Van [4]
28Chia-Ming Wang [23]
29Shing-Hang Wang [34]
30Chieh-Ming Wu [16] [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)