
Po-Whei Huang

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18EEPo-Whei Huang, Lipin Hsu, Yan-Wei Su, Phen-Lan Lin: Spatial inference and similarity retrieval of an intelligent image database system based on object's spanning representation. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 19(6): 637-651 (2008)
17EEHung-Yi Lin, Po-Whei Huang, Kuang-Hua Hsu: A new indexing method with high storage utilization and retrieval efficiency for large spatial databases. Information & Software Technology 49(8): 817-826 (2007)
16EEHung-Yi Lin, Po-Whei Huang: Perfect KDB-Tree: A Compact KDB-Tree Structure for Indexing Multidimensional Data. ICITA (2) 2005: 411-414
15 Hung-Yi Lin, Po-Whei Huang: Optimizing Storage Utilization and Index Representation in KDB-Tree Dynamic Index Structure for High Dimensional Databases. IMSA 2005: 213-218
14 Po-Whei Huang, Yi-Chang Hsu, Phen-Lan Lin, S. K. Dai: A decision tree approach for classification of white blood cells based on image features. SIP 2005: 139-143
13EEPhen-Lan Lin, Chung-Kai Hsieh, Po-Whei Huang: A hierarchical digital watermarking method for image tamper detection and recovery. Pattern Recognition 38(12): 2519-2529 (2005)
12 Po-Whei Huang, An-Wei Peng, Phen-Lan Lin: VQ Attack Resilient and Tamper Proofing Digital Watermark for Image Authentication and Recovery. CISST 2004: 289-293
11 Chu-Hui Lee, Po-Whei Huang: Image indexing and similarity retrieval based on key objects. ICME 2004: 819-822
10 Phen-Lan Lin, Chung-Kai Hsieh, Po-Whei Huang: Hierarchical watermarking scheme for image authentication and recovery. ICME 2004: 963-966
9EEPo-Whei Huang, Chu-Hui Lee: Image Database Design Based on 9D-SPA Representation for Spatial Relations. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(12): 1486-1496 (2004)
8EEPo-Whei Huang, S. K. Dai: Design of a two-stage content-based image retrieval system using texture similarity. Inf. Process. Manage. 40(1): 81-96 (2004)
7 Chu-Hui Lee, Po-Whei Huang: An Efficient Indexing Scheme for Bit-String Signatures. IKE 2003: 50-56
6EEPo-Whei Huang, S. K. Dai: Image retrieval by texture similarity. Pattern Recognition 36(3): 665-679 (2003)
5EEPo-Whei Huang, Phen-Lan Lin, H. Y. Lin: Optimizing storage utilization in R-tree dynamic index structure for spatial databases. Journal of Systems and Software 55(3): 291-299 (2001)
4EEPo-Whei Huang, S. K. Dai, Phen-Lan Lin, R. T. Kuo: Similarity retrieval based on group bounding and angle sequence matching in shape database systems. Journal of Systems and Software 54(1): 9-16 (2000)
3EEPo-Whei Huang, S. K. Dai, Phen-Lan Lin: Planar shape recognition by directional flow-change method. Pattern Recognition Letters 20(2): 163-170 (1999)
2EEPo-Whei Huang, Y. R. Jean: Spatial reasoning and similarity retrieval for image database systems based on RS-strings. Pattern Recognition 29(12): 2103-2114 (1996)
1EEPo-Whei Huang, Y. R. Jean: Reasoning about pictures and similarity retrieval for image information systems based on SK-set knowledge representation. Pattern Recognition 28(12): 1916-1925 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1S. K. Dai [3] [4] [6] [8] [14]
2Chung-Kai Hsieh [10] [13]
3Kuang-Hua Hsu [17]
4Lipin Hsu [18]
5Yi-Chang Hsu [14]
6Y. R. Jean [1] [2]
7R. T. Kuo [4]
8Chu-Hui Lee [7] [9] [11]
9H. Y. Lin [5]
10Hung-Yi Lin [15] [16] [17]
11Phen-Lan Lin [3] [4] [5] [10] [12] [13] [14] [18]
12An-Wei Peng [12]
13Yan-Wei Su [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)