
Jen-Fa Huang

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6EEJen-Fa Huang, Yao-Tang Chang: Incoherent Hybrid Spectral Polarization and Amplitude Coding Implemented with Specified Orthogonal Ternary Code over Balanced Photo-Detectors. CNSR 2006: 42-52
5 Che-Chih Hsu, Jen-Fa Huang, Yao-Tang Chang: Hybrid WDM and Optical Spectral Amplitude Coding with Array Waveguide Gratings over Fiber-to-the-Home Network. International Conference on Internet Computing 2006: 169-175
4EEJen-Fa Huang, Chao-Chin Yang: Permuted M-matrices for the reduction of phase-induced intensity noise in optical CDMA network. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(1): 150-158 (2006)
3EEJen-Fa Huang, Yao-Tang Chang, Chuen-Ching Wang: Reductions of Multiple-Access and Optical Beat Interference with Fiber-Grating OCDMA Balanced Decoder. AINA 2003: 168-171
2EEYu-Hwe Lee, Jar-Ferr Yang, Jen-Fa Huang: Perceptual activity measures computed from blocks in the transform domain. Signal Processing 82(4): 693-707 (2002)
1EEJen-Fa Huang, Yih-Fuh Wang: Resilience on Pre-assigned ATM Multicast Tree. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 17(2): 245-259 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Yao-Tang Chang [3] [5] [6]
2Che-Chih Hsu [5]
3Yu-Hwe Lee [2]
4Chuen-Ching Wang [3]
5Yih-Fuh Wang [1]
6Chao-Chin Yang [4]
7Jar-Ferr Yang [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)