
Jeff Huang

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4EEJeff Huang, Michael B. Twidale: Graphstract: minimal graphical help for computers. UIST 2007: 203-212
3EEIrene Y. L. Chen, Addison Su, Jeff Huang, Blue Lan, Yen-Shih Shen: Ubiquitous Collaborative Learning in Knowledge-Aware Virtual Communities. SUTC (2) 2006: 84-89
2EEJeff Huang, Bo Lu, Michael B. Twidale: Graphical abstract help. CHINZ 2005: 83-89
1EEChris DiGiano, Mike Griffin, Jeff Huang, Mark Chung: Consolidating Ed-tech co-design best practices through the TRAILS project. ITiCSE 2003: 245

Coauthor Index

1Irene Y. L. Chen (Irene Ya-Ling Chen) [3]
2Mark Chung [1]
3Chris DiGiano [1]
4Mike Griffin [1]
5Blue Lan [3]
6Bo Lu [2]
7Yen-Shih Shen [3]
8Addison Su [3]
9Michael Twidale (Michael B. Twidale) [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)