
Kai Hu

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8EEKai Hu, Yan Jiang, Zhibin Yang, Shiran Chen: An Expanded Stochastic Model in DAG Schemes. AINA Workshops 2008: 331-336
7EEKai Hu, Yingxu Wang: Autolearner: An Autonomic Machine Learning System Based on Concept Algebra. IEEE ICCI 2007: 502-512
6EEKai Hu, Samuel H. Huang: Solving inverse problems using Particle Swarm Optimization: An application to aircraft fuel measurement considering sensor failure. Intell. Data Anal. 11(4): 421-434 (2007)
5EERui He, Jianwei Niu, Kai Hu: A Novel Approach to Evaluate Trustworthiness and Uncertainty of Trust Relationships in Peer-to-Peer Computing. CIT 2005: 382-388
4EEMatthias Nahrendorf, Karl-Heinz Hiller, Andreas Greiser, Sascha Köhler, Thomas Neuberger, Kai Hu, Christiane Waller, Georg Ertl, Axel Haase, Wolfgang R. Bauer: Magnetic Resonance Fusion Imaging of Chronic Myocardial Ischemia. FIMH 2003: 272-277
3EEKai Hu: Buckling of some isotropic, intrinsically curved elasticas induced by a terminal twist. Appl. Math. Lett. 16(2): 193-197 (2003)
2EEXingang Wang, Haihong Li, Kai Hu, Gang Hu: Partial Measure Synchronization in Hamiltonian Systems. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 12(5): 1141-1148 (2002)
1EEMatthias Nahrendorf, Karl-Heinz Hiller, Kai Hu, Christiane Waller, Frank Wiesmann, Jan Ruff, Georg Ertl, Axel Haase, Wolfgang R. Bauer: In Vivo Assessment of Rat Hearts with and without Myocardial Infarction by Cine NMR - Comparison of the NMR Method to Invasive Techniques and Application to Intervention Studies. FIMH 2001: 97-103

Coauthor Index

1Wolfgang R. Bauer [1] [4]
2Shiran Chen [8]
3Georg Ertl [1] [4]
4Andreas Greiser [4]
5Axel Haase [1] [4]
6Rui He [5]
7Karl-Heinz Hiller [1] [4]
8Gang Hu [2]
9Samuel H. Huang [6]
10Yan Jiang [8]
11Sascha Köhler [4]
12Haihong Li [2]
13Matthias Nahrendorf [1] [4]
14Thomas Neuberger [4]
15Jianwei Niu [5]
16Jan Ruff [1]
17Christiane Waller [1] [4]
18Xingang Wang [2]
19Yingxu Wang [7]
20Frank Wiesmann [1]
21Zhibin Yang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)