
Phil Howlett

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6EEAnatoli Torokhti, Phil Howlett: Filtering and compression for infinite sets of stochastic signals. Signal Processing 89(3): 291-304 (2009)
5EEPhil Howlett, Anatoli Torokhti, C. E. M. Pearce: Optimal multilinear estimation of a random vector under constraints of causality and limited memory. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(2): 869-878 (2007)
4EEAnatoli Torokhti, Phil Howlett: Optimal transform formed by a combination of nonlinear operators: the case of data dimensionality reduction. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 54(4): 1431-1444 (2006)
3EEAnatoli Torokhti, Phil Howlett: Best approximation of the identity mapping: The case of variable finite memory. Journal of Approximation Theory 143(1): 111-123 (2006)
2EEAnatoli Torokhti, Phil Howlett, Charles Pearce: Optimal Recursive Estimation of Raw Data. Annals OR 133(1-4): 285-302 (2005)
1EEAnatoli Torokhti, Phil Howlett: Method of recurrent best estimators of second degree for optimal filtering of random signals. Signal Processing 83(5): 1013-1024 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1C. E. M. Pearce [5]
2Charles Pearce [2]
3Anatoli Torokhti [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)