
A. Jonathan Howell

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19EEKingsley Sage, A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton, Antonis A. Argyros: Learning temporal structure for task based control. Image Vision Comput. 26(1): 39-52 (2008)
18EEA. Jonathan Howell, Kingsley Sage, Hilary Buxton: Developing Task-Specific RBF Hand Gesture Recognition. Gesture Workshop 2003: 269-276
17EEKingsley Sage, A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Developing Context Sensitive HMM Gesture Recognition. Gesture Workshop 2003: 277-287
16EEA. Jonathan Howell, David S. Young: Image Retrieval Methods for a Database of Funeral Monuments. CIVR 2002: 129-137
15EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Active Vision Techniques for Visually Mediated Interaction. ICPR (2) 2002: 296-299
14EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Active vision techniques for visually mediated interaction. Image Vision Comput. 20(12): 861-871 (2002)
13 A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: RBF Network Methods for Face Detection and Attentional Frames. Neural Processing Letters 15(3): 197-211 (2002)
12EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Visually Mediated Interaction Using Learnt Gestures and Camera Control. Gesture Workshop 2001: 272-284
11EEHelen Vassilakis, A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Comparison of Feedforward (TDRBF) and Generative (TDRGBN) Network for Gesture Based Control. Gesture Workshop 2001: 317-321
10EEJamie Sherrah, Shaogang Gong, A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Interpretation of Group Behavior in Visually Mediated Interaction. ICPR 2000: 1266-1269
9EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Face Detection and Attentional Frames for Visually Mediated Interaction. Workshop on Human Motion 2000: 143-148
8EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Gesture Recognition for Visually Mediated Interaction. Gesture Workshop 1999: 141-151
7 A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Learning Identity and Behaviour with Neural Networks. ACCV (1) 1998: 523-530
6EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Learning Gestures for Visually Mediated Interaction. BMVC 1998
5 Sharon Duvdevani-Bar, Shimon Edelman, A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: A Similarity-Based Method for the Generalization of Face Recognition over Pose and Expression. FG 1998: 118-123
4EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Learning identity with radial basis function networks. Neurocomputing 20(1-3): 15-34 (1998)
3 A. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Recognising Simple Behaviours Using Time-Delay RBF Networks. Neural Processing Letters 5(2): 97-104 (1997)
2EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Face Recognition using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks. BMVC 1996
1EEA. Jonathan Howell, Hilary Buxton: Towards unconstrained face recognition from image sequences. FG 1996: 224-229

Coauthor Index

1Antonis A. Argyros [19]
2Hilary Buxton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [18] [19]
3Sharon Duvdevani-Bar [5]
4Shimon Edelman [5]
5Shaogang Gong [10]
6Kingsley Sage [17] [18] [19]
7Jamie Sherrah [10]
8Helen Vassilakis [11]
9David S. Young [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)