
Lothar Hotz

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19EEMatthias Haringer, Lothar Hotz, Vera Kamp: Two Stage Knowledge Discovery for Spatio-temporal Radio-emission Data. ECAI 2008: 673-677
18EELothar Hotz, Bernd Neumann, Kasim Terzic: High-Level Expectations for Low-Level Image Processing. KI 2008: 87-94
17EEKasim Terzic, Lothar Hotz, Bernd Neumann: Division of Work During Behaviour Recognition - The SCENIC Approach. BMI 2007: 144-159
16 Lothar Hotz, Bernd Neumann: Scene Interpretation as a Configuration Task. KI 19(3): 59- (2005)
15EELothar Hotz, Thorsten Krebs, Katharina Wolter: Using a Structure-based Configuration Tool for Product Derivation. ASE 2004: 388-391
14EELothar Hotz, Thorsten Krebs, Katharina Wolter: Knowledge-based Product Derivation - Research Topics of the ConIPF Project. KI 18(4): 58- (2004)
13 Lothar Hotz, Thorsten Krebs: Proceedings Workshop Planen und Konfigurieren (PuK-2003), Jahrestagung Künstliche Intelligenz 2003 (KI-2003) Hamburg, 15.-18. September 2003 PuK 2003
12EEThorsten Krebs, Lothar Hotz, K. Christoph Ranze, Guido Vehring: Towards Evolving Configuration Models. PuK 2003
11 Lothar Hotz: Parallel Abstractions-Strucuture-oriented Programming. PDPTA 2002: 651-657
10EEThorsten Krebs, Lothar Hotz, Andreas Günter: Knowledge-based Configuration for Configuring Combined Hardware/Software Systems . PuK 2002
9 Lothar Hotz: 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2000). KI 14(4): 73 (2000)
8 Heiko Milde, Lothar Hotz, Jörg Kahl, Bernd Neumann, Stephanie Wessel: MAD: A Real World Application of Qualitative Model-Based Decision Tree Generation for Diagnosis. IEA/AIE 1999: 246-255
7 Jörg Kahl, Lothar Hotz, Heiko Milde, Stephanie Wessel: A More Efficient Knowledge Representation for Allen's Algebra and Point Algebra. IEA/AIE 1999: 747-752
6EEJörg Kahl, Lothar Hotz, Heiko Milde, Stephanie Wessel: Improving Reasoning Efficiency for Subclasses of Allen's Algebra with Instantiation Intervals. KI 1999: 299-302
5 Lothar Hotz, Michael Trowe: NetCLOS - Parallel Programming in Common Lisp. PDPTA 1999: 2034-2040
4 Heiko Milde, Lothar Hotz, Jörg Kahl, Stephanie Wessel: Qualitative Model-Based Decision Tree Generation for Diagnosis in Real World Industrial Application. KI 13(3): 30-35 (1999)
3 Andreas Günter, Lothar Hotz, Thomas Vietze: Diskussion über die Verwendung von terminologischen Systemen oder modularen Problemlösungsbausteinen für die Wissensrepräsentation in Konfigurierungssystemen. PuK 1994: 59-67
2 Lothar Hotz: Metaobjektprotokolle. KI 8(4): 35-36 (1994)
1 Lothar Hotz, Thomas Vietze: Sichten und Mehrfachvererbung in der Konfigurierung. PuK 1993: 143-153

Coauthor Index

1Andreas Günter [3] [10]
2Matthias Haringer [19]
3Jörg Kahl [4] [6] [7] [8]
4Vera Kamp [19]
5Thorsten Krebs [10] [12] [13] [14] [15]
6Heiko Milde [4] [6] [7] [8]
7Bernd Neumann [8] [16] [17] [18]
8K. Christoph Ranze [12]
9Kasim Terzic [17] [18]
10Michael Trowe [5]
11Guido Vehring [12]
12Thomas Vietze [1] [3]
13Stephanie Wessel [4] [6] [7] [8]
14Katharina Wolter [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)