
Keith S. Horton

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6EEElisabeth Davenport, Keith S. Horton: Rethinking e-Government Research: The 'ideology-artefact complex'. I3E 2006: 380-391
5EELouise Rasmussen, Elisabeth Davenport, Keith S. Horton: Initiating e-Participation Through a Knowledge Working Network. I3E 2006: 96-108
4EEKeith S. Horton, Elisabeth Davenport: Innovation and hybrid genres: disturbing social rhythm in legal practice. ECIS 2004
3EEElisabeth Davenport, Keith S. Horton: A Social Shaping Perspective on an e-Governmental System(ic) Failure. EGOV 2004: 186-193
2EEKeith S. Horton: Information systems strategy and configurational technologies: cases from the UK public sector. ECIS 2003
1EEKeith S. Horton, R. G. Dewar: Evaluating Creative Practice in Information Systems Strategy Formation: The Application of Alexandrian Patterns. HICSS 2001

Coauthor Index

1Elisabeth Davenport [3] [4] [5] [6]
2R. G. Dewar [1]
3Louise Rasmussen [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)