
Jack K. Horner

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12 Jack K. Horner: An Automated Deduction System for Orthomodular Lattice Theory. IC-AI 2005: 260-265
11 Jack K. Horner: An Automatic Relevance Determination Method for Identifying the Signature of Stage I Ovarian Cancer in the Mass-Spectrum of Serum Proteins. IC-AI 2005: 620-626
10 Jack K. Horner: An Apomorphic Signature of Stage I Ovarian Cancer in the Mass-Spectrum of Serum Proteins. METMBS 2005: 141-147
9 Jack K. Horner: A Power-Law Analysis of Photon Energy - Conversion in Photobiological Hydrogen Production. METMBS 2005: 173-179
8 Jack K. Horner: The Effect of Object-Oriented Data Structure Design and Implementation on Lifecycle Effort: A Case Study. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 142-148
7 Jack K. Horner: A Neighbor-Joining Method for Identifying a Stage I Ovarian Cancer Signature in the Mass-Spectrum of Serum Proteins. METMBS 2004: 118-123
6 Jack K. Horner: A Neural Network Method for Identifying the Signature of Prostate Cancer in Serum Mass Spectra. METMBS 2004: 146-150
5 Jack K. Horner: A Power-Law Model of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Epidemics in Thailand. METMBS 2004: 410-415
4 Jack K. Horner: A Power Law Model of HIV-1 Population Dynamics under Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. METMBS 2003: 427-432
3 Jack K. Horner: A Bayesian-Network Sensitivity Analysis of the Partin-Table Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Protocol to Single-Bin Promotion of Gleason Score. METMBS 2003: 474-478
2 Jack K. Horner: A Reliability Limit to Scaling for Large Globally State-Sensitive Computations on Homogeneous Multiprocessor Systems. PDPTA 2003: 94-99
1 Jack K. Horner: The Development Programmatics of Large Scientific Codes. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 224-227

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)