
Antonius J. M. van Hoof

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5EEAntonius J. M. van Hoof, Christian Fillies: Das semantische Unternehmensprozessweb. KI 17(4): 50- (2003)
4EEJaap Hoepelman, Antonius J. M. van Hoof: Conditionals And Counterfactuals In Prolog. COLING 1990: 368-369
3 Antonius J. M. van Hoof, Jaap Hoepelman: Non-Moniotonic and Conditionals in Dialogue Logic. ELP 1989: 341-364
2 Jaap Hoepelman, Antonius J. M. van Hoof: Dialogue Models for Knowledge Representation. GLDV-Jahrestagung 1989: 46-57
1 Jaap Hoepelman, Antonius J. M. van Hoof: The success of failure - the concept of failure in dialogue logics and its relevance for natural language semantics. COLING 1988: 250-254

Coauthor Index

1Christian Fillies [5]
2Jaap Hoepelman [1] [2] [3] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)