
Petri Honkamaa

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4EECharles Woodward, Petri Honkamaa, Timo Kinnunen, Markus Tallgren, Teppo Veijonen: May Day masks augmented on mobile phones. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2008: 257-258
3EEHanna Maria Kaarina Koskinen, Jari Laarni, Petri Honkamaa: Hands-on the process control: users preferences and associations on hand movements. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3063-3068
2EEPetri Honkamaa, Jani Jäppinen, Charles Woodward: A lightweight approach for augmented reality on camera phones using 2D images to simulate 3D. MUM 2007: 155-159
1EECharles Woodward, Petri Honkamaa, Jani Jäppinen, Esa-Pekka Pyökkimies: CamBall: augmented networked table tennis played with real rackets. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2004: 275-276

Coauthor Index

1Jani Jäppinen [1] [2]
2Timo Kinnunen [4]
3Hanna Maria Kaarina Koskinen [3]
4Jari Laarni [3]
5Esa-Pekka Pyökkimies [1]
6Markus Tallgren [4]
7Teppo Veijonen [4]
8Charles Woodward [1] [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)