
D. Hong

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3EEDominique Verchère, Olivier Audouin, Bela Berde, A. Chiosi, Richard Douville, Hélia Pouyllau, P. Primet, M. Pasin, S. Soudan, T. Marcot, V. Piperaud, R. Theillaud, D. Hong, Dominique Barth, C. Cadéré, V. Reinhart, Joanna Tomasik: Automatic Network Services Aligned with Grid Application Requirements in CARRIOCAS Project. GridNets 2008: 196-205
2EED. Hong, Sharma Chakravarthy, Theodore Johnson: Locking Based Concurrency Control for Integrated Real-Time Database Systems. RTDB 1996: 138-143
1EED. Hong, Theodore Johnson, Sharma Chakravarthy: Real-Time Transaction Scheduling: A Cost Conscious Approach. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 197-206

Coauthor Index

1Olivier Audouin [3]
2Dominique Barth [3]
3Bela Berde [3]
4C. Cadéré [3]
5Sharma Chakravarthy [1] [2]
6A. Chiosi [3]
7Richard Douville [3]
8Theodore Johnson (Ted Johnson) [1] [2]
9T. Marcot [3]
10M. Pasin [3]
11V. Piperaud [3]
12Hélia Pouyllau [3]
13P. Primet [3]
14V. Reinhart [3]
15S. Soudan [3]
16R. Theillaud [3]
17Joanna Tomasik [3]
18Dominique Verchère [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)