
Bonghee Hong

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27EEWooseok Ryu, Bonghee Hong: A Reprocessing Model Based on Continuous Queries for Writing Data to RFID Tag Memory. DASFAA 2009: 201-214
26EESungwoo Ahn, Bonghee Hong: Reordering of Location Identifiers for Indexing an RFID Tag Object Database. DEXA 2008: 41-48
25EESungwoo Ahn, Bonghee Hong: Efficient Query Processing for Tracing RFID Tags by Reordering Location Identifiers. RTCSA 2008: 71-80
24EEJaekwan Park, Bonghee Hong, ChaeHoon Ban: A query index for continuous queries on RFID streaming data. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(12): 2047-2061 (2008)
23EEJaekwan Park, Bonghee Hong, ChaeHoon Ban: Efficient Transformation Scheme for Indexing Continuous Queries on RFID Streaming Data. ICSNC 2007: 41
22EEJaekwan Park, Bonghee Hong, ChaeHoon Ban: A Continuous Query Index for Processing Queries on RFID Data Stream. RTCSA 2007: 138-145
21EEDuksung Lim, Daesoo Cho, Bonghee Hong: Indexing Moving Objects for Trajectory Retrieval on Location-Based Services. IEICE Transactions 90-D(9): 1388-1397 (2007)
20EEJaekwan Park, Bonghee Hong, Kyounghwan An, Jiwon Jung: A Unified Index for Moving-Objects Databases. ICCSA (2) 2006: 155-164
19EESungwoo Ahn, Bonghee Hong, ChaeHoon Ban, Kihyung Lee: Design and Implementation of an Index Structure Using Fixed Intervals for Tracing of RFID Tags. ICCSA (2) 2006: 175-185
18EEChaeHoon Ban, Bonghee Hong, Donghyun Kim: Time Parameterized Interval R-Tree for Tracing Tags in RFID Systems. DEXA 2005: 503-513
17EEDuksung Lim, Bonghee Hong, Daesoo Cho: The Self-relocating Index Scheme for Telematics GIS. W2GIS 2005: 93-103
16EEYoungduk Seo, Donghyun Kim, Bonghee Hong: Concurrent Updating of Large Spatial Objects. DASFAA 2004: 325-330
15EEKyounghwan An, Bonggi Jun, Jietae Cha, Bonghee Hong: A Log-Based Cache Consistency Control of Spatial Databases in Mobile Computing Environments. DASFAA 2004: 630-641
14EEKyounghwan An, Bonghee Hong: Growing Node Policies of a Main Memory Index Structure for Moving Objects Databases. DEXA 2004: 191-200
13EEYoungduk Seo, Bonghee Hong: Declustering of Trajectories for Indexing of Moving Objects Databases. DEXA 2004: 834-843
12EEDonghyun Kim, Bonghee Hong: A Progressive Reprocessing Transaction Model for Updating Spatial Data in Mobile Computing Environments. W2GIS 2004: 64-80
11EEDong Hyun Kim, Bonghee Hong, Byunggu Yu, Eun Suk Hong: Validation-Based Reprocessing Scheme for Updating Spatial Data in Mobile Computing Environments. AINA 2003: 211-214
10EEBonggi Jun, Bonghee Hong, Byunggu Yu: Dynamic Splitting Policies of the Adaptive 3DR-Tree for Indexing Continuously Moving Objects. DEXA 2003: 308-317
9EEDaesoo Cho, Bonghee Hong: Efficient Region Query Processing by Optimal Page Ordering. ADBIS-DASFAA 2000: 315-322
8EEDaesoo Cho, Bonghee Hong: Optimal Page Ordering for Region Queries in Static Spatial Databases. DEXA 2000: 366-375
7EEJin-Deog Kim, Bonghee Hong: Parallel Spatial Joins Using Grid Files. ICPADS 2000: 531-536
6EEJin-Deog Kim, Bonghee Hong: Parallel Spatial Join Algorithms Using Grid Files. DANTE 1999: 226-
5EEJin-oh Choi, Young Sang Shin, Bonghee Hong: Update Propagation of Replicated Data in Distributed Spatial Databases. DEXA 1999: 952-963
4 Sang-Ho Moon, Bong-Hee Kim, Bonghee Hong: Incremental Update Algorithms for Materialized Spatial Views by Using Derivation Relationships. DEXA 1997: 539-550
3 Sang-Ho Moon, Bonghee Hong: Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Spatial Views. OOIS 1997: 386-396
2 Am-suk Oh, Jin-oh Choi, Bonghee Hong: An Incremental Update Propagation Scheme for a Cooperative Transaction Model. DEXA Workshop 1996: 353-362
1EEBonghee Hong, Bonggi Jun: A Visual Representation of Complex Relationships for Object-Oriented Databases. DASFAA 1995: 149-156

Coauthor Index

1Sungwoo Ahn [19] [25] [26]
2Kyounghwan An [14] [15] [20]
3ChaeHoon Ban [18] [19] [22] [23] [24]
4Jietae Cha [15]
5Daesoo Cho [8] [9] [17] [21]
6Jin-oh Choi [2] [5]
7Eun Suk Hong [11]
8Bonggi Jun [1] [10] [15]
9Jiwon Jung [20]
10Bong-Hee Kim [4]
11Dong Hyun Kim [11]
12Donghyun Kim [12] [16] [18]
13Jin-Deog Kim [6] [7]
14Kihyung Lee [19]
15Duksung Lim [17] [21]
16Sang-Ho Moon [3] [4]
17Am-suk Oh [2]
18Jaekwan Park [20] [22] [23] [24]
19Wooseok Ryu [27]
20Youngduk Seo [13] [16]
21Young Sang Shin [5]
22Byunggu Yu [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)