
Glen E. Holt

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4EEGlen E. Holt, Donald Elliott: Measuring Outcomes: Applying Cost-Benefit Analysis to Middle-Sized and Smaller Public Libraries. Library Trends 51(3): (2003)
3EEGlen E. Holt: Balancing Buildings, Book, Bytes, and Bucks: Steps to Secure the Public Library Future in the Internet Age. Library Trends 46(1): (1997)
2EEGlen E. Holt: On Becomming Essential: An Agenda for Quality in Twenty-First Century Public Libraries. Library Trends 44(3): (1996)
1EEGlen E. Holt: The Future of Rural Libraries. Library Trends 44(1): (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Donald Elliott [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)