
Chris Holt

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6EEMainak Chaudhuri, Mark Heinrich, Chris Holt, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Edward Rothberg, John L. Hennessy: Latency, Occupancy, and Bandwidth in DSM Multiprocessors: A Performance Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Computers 52(7): 862-880 (2003)
5EEChris Holt, Jaswinder Pal Singh, John L. Hennessy: Application and Architectural Bottlenecks in Large Scale Distributed Shared Memory Machines. ISCA 1996: 134-145
4 Chris Holt, Jaswinder Pal Singh: Hierarchical N-Body Methods on Shared Address Space Multiprocessors. PPSC 1995: 313-318
3 Jaswinder Pal Singh, Chris Holt, Takashi Totsuka, Anoop Gupta, John L. Hennessy: Load Balancing and Data locality in Adaptive Hierarchical N-Body Methods: Barnes-Hut, Fast Multipole, and Rasiosity. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 27(2): 118-141 (1995)
2 Zhenhua Duan, Maciej Koutny, Chris Holt: Projection in Temporal Logic Programming. LPAR 1994: 333-344
1EEJaswinder Pal Singh, Chris Holt, John L. Hennessy, Anoop Gupta: A parallel adaptive fast multipole method. SC 1993: 54-65

Coauthor Index

1Mainak Chaudhuri [6]
2Zhenhua Duan [2]
3Anoop Gupta [1] [3]
4Mark Heinrich [6]
5John L. Hennessy [1] [3] [5] [6]
6Maciej Koutny [2]
7Edward Rothberg [6]
8Jaswinder Pal Singh [1] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Takashi Totsuka [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)