
Jack Holm

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6EEKok-Wei Koh, Ingeborg Tastl, Mary Nielsen, Daid M. Berfanger, Huan Zeng, Jack Holm: Issues Encountered in Creating a Version 4 ICC sRGB profile. Color Imaging Conference 2003: 232-237
5EEKevin E. Spaulding, Jack Holm: Color Encodings: sRGB and Beyond. PICS 2002: 167-171
4EEJack Holm, Ingeborg Tastl, Steven D. Hordley: Evaluation of DSC (Digital Still Camera) Scene Analysis Error Metric: Part I. Color Imaging Conference 2000: 279-287
3 Jack Holm: Integrating New Color Image Processing Techniques with Color Management. Color Imaging Conference 1999: 80-86
2 Jack Holm: Adjusting for the Scene Adopted White. PICS 1999: 158-162
1 Richard L. Baer, Jack Holm: A Model for Calculating the Potential ISO Speeds of Digital Still Cameras based upon CCD Characteristics. PICS 1999: 35-38

Coauthor Index

1Richard L. Baer [1]
2Daid M. Berfanger [6]
3Steven D. Hordley [4]
4Kok-Wei Koh [6]
5Mary Nielsen [6]
6Kevin E. Spaulding [5]
7Ingeborg Tastl [4] [6]
8Huan Zeng [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)