
Martin Holena

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12EEMartin Holena: Measures of Ruleset Quality Capable to Represent Uncertain Validity. ECSQARU 2007: 430-442
11EEDavid Stefka, Martin Holena: The Use of Fuzzy t-Conorm Integral for Combining Classifiers. ECSQARU 2007: 755-766
10EEMartin Holena: Piecewise-Linear Neural Networks and Their Relationship to Rule Extraction from Data. Neural Computation 18(11): 2813-2853 (2006)
9EEMartin Holena: Fuzzy hypotheses testing in the framework of fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 145(2): 229-252 (2004)
8EEJames N. Cawse, Manfred Baerns, Martin Holena: Efficient Discovery of Nonlinear Dependencies in a Combinatorial Catalyst Data Set. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 44(1): 143-146 (2004)
7EEPetr Hájek, Martin Holena, Jan Rauch: The GUHA Method and Foundations of (Relational) Data Mining. Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments 2003: 17-37
6 Petr Hájek, Martin Holena: Formal logics of discovery and hypothesis formation by machine. Theor. Comput. Sci. 292(2): 345-357 (2003)
5EEMartin Holena: Extraction of Logical Rules from Data by Means of Piecewise-Linear Neural Networks. Discovery Science 2002: 192-205
4EEMartin Holena: Observational Logic Integrates Data Mining Based on Statistics and Neural Networks. PKDD 2000: 440-445
3EEPetr Hájek, Martin Holena: Formal Logics of Discovery and Hypothesis Formation by Machine. Discovery Science 1998: 291-302
2 Petra Drescher, Martin Holena, Rainer Kruschinski, Gernod Laufkötter: Integrating Frames, Rules and Uncertainty in a Database-Coupled Knowledge-Representation System. DEXA 1994: 703-712
1 Martin Holena: Wahl der Architektur eines neuronalen Netzes mittels der Theorie der Verbände. Fuzzy Days 1994: 365-373

Coauthor Index

1Manfred Baerns [8]
2James N. Cawse [8]
3Petra Drescher [2]
4Petr Hájek [3] [6] [7]
5Rainer Kruschinski [2]
6Gernod Laufkötter [2]
7Jan Rauch [7]
8David Stefka [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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