
Christine Hogan

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5 Thomas A. Limoncelli, Christine Hogan: How to Write a Book with Someone You Don't Know: Internet Collaboration for the Truly Geeky. LISA 2002
4EEStrata Rose Chalup, Christine Hogan, Greg Kulosa, Bryan McDonald, Bryan Stansell: Drinking from the Fire(walls) Hose: Another Approach to Very Large Mailing Lists. LISA 1998: 317-326
3EEChristine Hogan: Metrics for Management. LISA 1995: 125-132
2 Christine Hogan, Aoife Cox, Tim Hunter: Decentralising Distributed Systems Administration. LISA 1995: 139-148
1 Vinny Cahill, Christine Hogan, Alan Judge, Darraph O'Grady, Brendan Tangney, Paul Taylor: Extensible Systems - The Tigger Approach. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1994: 151-153

Coauthor Index

1Vinny Cahill [1]
2Strata Rose Chalup [4]
3Aoife Cox [2]
4Tim Hunter [2]
5Alan Judge [1]
6Greg Kulosa [4]
7Thomas A. Limoncelli [5]
8Bryan McDonald [4]
9Darraph O'Grady [1]
10Bryan Stansell [4]
11Brendan Tangney [1]
12Paul Taylor [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)