
Douglas Hofstadter

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7EEPei Wang, Douglas Hofstadter: A logic of categorization. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 18(2): 193-213 (2006)
6EEJohn Rehling, Douglas Hofstadter: Letter Spirit: A Model of Visual Creativity. ICCM 2004: 249-254
5EEDouglas Hofstadter: A day in the life of ... Douglas Hofstadter. ACM Crossroads 10(2): 2 (2004)
4 Douglas Hofstadter: Variations on the Theme of Musical Similarity. ISMIR 2002
3 Douglas Hofstadter: A Review of Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought. AI Magazine 16(3): 75-80 (1995)
2 Gary McGraw, Douglas Hofstadter: Letter Spirit: An Architecture for Creativity in an Microdomain. AI*IA 1993: 65-70
1 David J. Chalmers, Robert M. French, Douglas Hofstadter: High-level perception, representation, and analogy: a critique of artificial intelligence methodology. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 4(3): 185-211 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1David J. Chalmers [1]
2Robert M. French [1]
3Gary McGraw [2]
4John Rehling [6]
5Pei Wang [7]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)