
Ellen S. Hoffman

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4EEMarcia A. Mardis, Ellen S. Hoffman, Todd E. Marshall: A new framework for understanding educational digital library use: re-examining digital divides in U.S. schools. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 9(1): 19-27 (2008)
3EEEllen S. Hoffman, Edward A. Fox: Building Policy, Building Community: An Example from the US National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Library (NSDL). ICADL 2002: 299-300
2EEMarcia A. Mardis, Ellen S. Hoffman: Building Digital Libraries for Children: Reviewing Information Literacy of Students and Teachers. ICADL 2002: 404-405
1EEWilliam Y. Arms, Edward A. Fox, Jeanne Narum, Ellen S. Hoffman: NSDL: from prototype to production to transformational national resource. JCDL 2002: 368

Coauthor Index

1William Y. Arms [1]
2Edward A. Fox [1] [3]
3Marcia A. Mardis [2] [4]
4Todd E. Marshall [4]
5Jeanne Narum [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)