2009 |
4 | EE | Christoph Reinke,
Nils Hoeller,
Jana Neumann,
Sven Groppe,
Volker Linnemann,
Martin Lipphardt:
Integrating standardized transaction protocols in service-oriented wireless sensor networks.
SAC 2009: 2202-2203 |
2008 |
3 | EE | Dirk Kukulenz,
Christoph Reinke,
Nils Hoeller:
Web Contents Tracking by Learning of Page Grammars.
ICIW 2008: 416-425 |
2 | EE | Sven Groppe,
Jinghua Groppe,
Volker Linnemann,
Dirk Kukulenz,
Nils Hoeller,
Christoph Reinke:
Embedding SPARQL into XQuery/XSLT.
SAC 2008: 2271-2278 |
2007 |
1 | EE | Dirk Kukulenz,
Nils Hoeller,
Sven Groppe,
Volker Linnemann:
Optimization of Bounded Continuous Search Queries Based on Ranking Distributions.
WISE 2007: 26-37 |