
Leigh E. Hodge

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8EELeigh E. Hodge, Sasthi C. Ghosh, Steve Hurley, Roger M. Whitaker, Stuart M. Allen: Coverage and service bounds for UMTS. Mobility Conference 2008: 49
7EELeigh E. Hodge, Roger M. Whitaker: Fault Tolerance in Bluetooth Scatternet Topologies. HICSS 2006
6EELeigh E. Hodge, Roger M. Whitaker, Steve Hurley: Multiple objective optimization of bluetooth scatternets. J. Comb. Optim. 11(1): 43-57 (2006)
5EERoger M. Whitaker, Leigh E. Hodge, Imrich Chlamtac: Bluetooth scatternet formation: A survey. Ad Hoc Networks 3(4): 403-450 (2005)
4 Leigh E. Hodge, Roger M. Whitaker: www.scatternet.org: A Comparative Framework for Scatternet Formation Protocols. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2004: 302-305
3EELeigh E. Hodge, Roger M. Whitaker: What Are the Characteristics of Optimal Bluetooth Scatternets? MobiQuitous 2004: 124-125
2 Leigh E. Hodge, Stuart M. Allen, Steve Hurley, Roger M. Whitaker: Estimating Base Station Requirements for 3G UMTS Services. International Conference on Wireless Networks 2003: 598-613
1EELeigh E. Hodge, W. A. Gray, N. J. Fiddian: A Toolkit to Facilitate the Querying and Integration of Tabular Data from Semistructured Documents. BNCOD 1998: 171-172

Coauthor Index

1Stuart M. Allen [2] [8]
2Imrich Chlamtac [5]
3N. J. Fiddian (Nick J. Fiddian) [1]
4Sasthi C. Ghosh [8]
5W. A. Gray (W. Alex Gray) [1]
6Steve Hurley [2] [6] [8]
7Roger M. Whitaker [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)