
Rainer Hoch

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10EEMarkus Junker, Andreas Dengel, Rainer Hoch: On the Evaluation of Document Analysis Components by Recall, Precision, and Accuracy. ICDAR 1999: 713-716
9EEMarkus Junker, Rainer Hoch: An experimental evaluation of OCR text representations for learning document classifiers. IJDAR 1(2): 116-122 (1998)
8EEMarkus Junker, Rainer Hoch: Evaluating OCR and Non-OCR Text Representations for Learning Document Classifiers. ICDAR 1997: 1060-1066
7 Rainer Hoch, Thomas Kieninger: On Virtual Partitioning of Large Dictionaries for Contextual Post-Processing to Improve Character Recognition. IJPRAI 10(4): 273-289 (1996)
6EERainer Hoch: READLEX: a lexicon for the recognition and analysis of structured documents. ICDAR 1995: 549-
5 Andreas Dengel, Rainer Hoch, Michael Malburg: OfficeMAID - ein System zur Analyse, Interpretation und Verteilung von gedruckter Geschäftspost. KI 9(2): 50-55 (1995)
4EERainer Hoch: Using IR Techniques for Text Classification in Document Analysis. SIGIR 1994: 31-40
3 Rainer Hoch: IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications, MVA '92. KI 7(4): 58-59 (1993)
2EERainer Hoch: Hybrid Structured Dictionary for Improving Text Recognition. MVA 1992: 291-294
1 Andreas Dengel, Rainer Bleisinger, Rainer Hoch, Frank Fein, Frank Hönes: From Paper to Office Document Standard Representation. IEEE Computer 25(7): 63-67 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Rainer Bleisinger [1]
2Andreas Dengel [1] [5] [10]
3Frank Fein [1]
4Frank Hönes [1]
5Markus Junker [8] [9] [10]
6Thomas Kieninger [7]
7Michael Malburg [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)