
Sean Ho

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7EEStephen M. Pizer, Ja-Yeon Jeong, Robert E. Broadhurst, Sean Ho, Joshua Stough: Deep Structure of Images in Populations Via Geometric Models in Populations. DSSCV 2005: 49-59
6EESean Ho, Guido Gerig: Profile Scale-Spaces for Multiscale Image Match. MICCAI (1) 2004: 176-183
5EEMarcel Prastawa, Elizabeth Bullitt, Sean Ho, Guido Gerig: Robust Estimation for Brain Tumor Segmentation. MICCAI (2) 2003: 530-537
4EESean Ho, Guido Gerig: Scale-Space on Image Profiles about an Object Boundary. Scale-Space 2003: 564-575
3EESean Ho, Elizabeth Bullitt, Guido Gerig: Level-Set Evolution with Region Competition: Automatic 3-D Segmentation of Brain Tumors. ICPR (1) 2002: 532-
2EEChing-Chih Han, Chao-Ju Hou, Kar Shun Tsoi, Sean Ho: Dynamic Establishment and Termination of Real-Time Message Streams in Dual-Bus Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 49(10): 1110-1119 (2000)
1 Douglass Davis, William Ribarsky, T. Y. Jiang, Nickolas Faust, Sean Ho: Real-Time Visualization of Scalably Large Collections of Heterogeneous Objects. IEEE Visualization 1999: 437-440

Coauthor Index

1Robert E. Broadhurst [7]
2Elizabeth Bullitt [3] [5]
3Douglass Davis [1]
4Nickolas Faust [1]
5Guido Gerig [3] [4] [5] [6]
6Ching-Chih Han [2]
7Jennifer C. Hou (Chao-Ju Hou) [2]
8Ja-Yeon Jeong [7]
9T. Y. Jiang [1]
10Stephen M. Pizer [7]
11Marcel Prastawa [5]
12William Ribarsky [1]
13Joshua Stough [7]
14Kar Shun Tsoi [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)