
Chi-Wang Ho

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12EEShu-Kei Yip, Oscar C. Au, Chi-Wang Ho, Hoi-Ming Wong, Richard Y. M. Li: New Digital Watermarking for Few-Color Images. ICIP 2006: 2553-2556
11EEChi-Wang Ho, Oscar C. Au, S.-H. Gary Chan, Shu-Kei Yip, Hoi-Ming Wong: Low-Complexity Rate Control for Efficient H.263 to H.264/AVC Video Transcoding. ICIP 2006: 853-856
10EEChi-Wang Ho, Oscar C. Au, S.-H. Gary Chan, Shu-Kei Yip, Hoi-Ming Wong: Motion Estimation for H.264/AVC using Programmable Graphics Hardware. ICME 2006: 2049-2052
9EEYan Chen, Oscar C. Au, Jiantao Zhou, Chi-Wang Ho: Adaptively Switching Between Directional Interpolation and Region Matching for Spatial Error Concealment Based on DCT Coefficients. ICME 2006: 805-808
8EEShu-Kei Yip, Oscar C. Au, Chi-Wang Ho, Hoi-Ming Wong: Lossless Visible Watermarking. ICME 2006: 853-856
7EEShu-Kei Yip, Oscar C. Au, Hoi-Ming Wong, Chi-Wang Ho: Block-Based Lossless Data Hiding in Delta Domain. ICME 2006: 857-860
6EEHoi-Ming Wong, Oscar C. Au, Andy Chang, Shu-Kei Yip, Chi-Wang Ho: Fast mode decision and motion estimation for H.264 (FMDME). ISCAS 2006
5EEShu-Kei Yip, Oscar C. Au, Hoi-Ming Wong, Chi-Wang Ho: Generalized lossless data hiding by multiple predictors. ISCAS 2006
4EEChi-Wang Ho, Oscar C. Au, S.-H. Gary Chan, Hoi-Ming Wong, Shu-Kei Yip: Improved refinement search for H.263 to H.264/AVC transcoding based on the minimum cost tendency search. ISCAS 2006
3EEYan Chen, Oscar C. Au, Chi-Wang Ho, Jiantao Zhou: Spatio-temporal boundary matching algorithm for temporal error concealment. ISCAS 2006
2EEShu-Kei Yip, Oscar C. Au, Chi-Wang Ho, Hoi-Ming Wong: Content adaptive watermarking using a 2-stage predictor. ICIP (1) 2005: 953-956
1EEHoi-Ming Wong, Oscar C. Au, Chi-Wang Ho, Shu-Kei Yip: Enhanced predictive motion vector field adaptive search technique (E-PMVFAST)-based on future MV prediction. ICME 2005: 719-722

Coauthor Index

1Oscar C. Au [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
2Shueng-Han Gary Chan (S.-H. Gary Chan) [4] [10] [11]
3Andy Chang [6]
4Yan Chen [3] [9]
5Richard Y. M. Li [12]
6Hoi-Ming Wong [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
7Shu-Kei Yip [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
8Jiantao Zhou [3] [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)