
Vladimir Hnizdo

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4EEVladimir Hnizdo, Jun Tan, Benjamin J. Killian, Michael K. Gilson: Efficient calculation of configurational entropy from molecular simulations by combining the mutual-information expansion and nearest-neighbor methods. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(10): 1605-1614 (2008)
3EEVladimir Hnizdo, Eva Darian, Adam Fedorowicz, Eugene Demchuk, Shengqiao Li, Harshinder Singh: Nearest-neighbor nonparametric method for estimating the configurational entropy of complex molecules. Journal of Computational Chemistry 28(3): 655-668 (2007)
2EEEva Darian, Vladimir Hnizdo, Adam Fedorowicz, Harshinder Singh, Eugene Demchuk: Estimation of the absolute internal-rotation entropy of molecules with two torsional degrees of freedom from stochastic simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(7): 651-660 (2005)
1EEVladimir Hnizdo, Adam Fedorowicz, Harshinder Singh, Eugene Demchuk: Statistical thermodynamics of internal rotation in a hindering potential of mean force obtained from computer simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(10): 1172-1183 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Eva Darian [2] [3]
2Eugene Demchuk [1] [2] [3]
3Adam Fedorowicz [1] [2] [3]
4Michael K. Gilson [4]
5Benjamin J. Killian [4]
6Shengqiao Li [3]
7Harshinder Singh [1] [2] [3]
8Jun Tan [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)