
Petr Hlinený

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38EEMarkus Chimani, Petr Hlinený, Petra Mutzel: Approximating the Crossing Number of Apex Graphs. Graph Drawing 2008: 432-434
37EEPetr Hlinený, Sang-il Oum, Detlef Seese, Georg Gottlob: Width Parameters Beyond Tree-width and their Applications. Comput. J. 51(3): 326-362 (2008)
36EEPetr Hlinený, Gelasio Salazar: Stars and Bonds in Crossing-Critical Graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31: 271-275 (2008)
35EEPetr Hlinený, Sang-il Oum: Finding Branch-Decompositions and Rank-Decompositions. SIAM J. Comput. 38(3): 1012-1032 (2008)
34EEPetr Hlinený, Sang-il Oum: Finding Branch-Decompositions and Rank-Decompositions. ESA 2007: 163-174
33EEPetr Hlinený, Gelasio Salazar: Approximating the Crossing Number of Toroidal Graphs. ISAAC 2007: 148-159
32EEPetr Hlinený, Jan Kratochvíl, Roman Nedela, Martin Skoviera: Preface. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 28: 1 (2007)
31EEIsidoro Gitler, Petr Hlinený, Jesús Leaños, Gelasio Salazar: The crossing number of a projective graph is quadratic in the face-width. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 219-223 (2007)
30EEPetr Hlinený: Some Hard Problems on Matroid Spikes. Theory Comput. Syst. 41(3): 551-562 (2007)
29EEPetr Hlinený, Gelasio Salazar: On the Crossing Number of Almost Planar Graphs. Graph Drawing 2006: 162-173
28EEPetr Hlinený: On Matroid Representability and Minor Problems. MFCS 2006: 505-516
27EEPetr Hlinený: The Tutte Polynomial for Matroids of Bounded Branch-Width. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 15(3): 397-409 (2006)
26EELuis A. Goddyn, Petr Hlinený, Winfried Hochstättler: Balanced Signings and the Chromatic Number of Oriented Matroids. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 15(4): 523-539 (2006)
25EEPetr Hlinený: Equivalence-free exhaustive generation of matroid representations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(8): 1210-1222 (2006)
24EEPetr Hlinený, Geoff Whittle: Matroid tree-width. Eur. J. Comb. 27(7): 1117-1128 (2006)
23EEPetr Hlinený: Branch-width, parse trees, and monadic second-order logic for matroids. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 96(3): 325-351 (2006)
22EEPetr Hlinený: Crossing number is hard for cubic graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 96(4): 455-471 (2006)
21EEOmer Giménez, Petr Hlinený, Marc Noy: Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(4): 932-946 (2006)
20EEPetr Hlinený, Detlef Seese: Trees, grids, and MSO decidability: From graphs to matroids. Theor. Comput. Sci. 351(3): 372-393 (2006)
19EEOmer Giménez, Petr Hlinený, Marc Noy: Computing the Tutte Polynomial on Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width. WG 2005: 59-68
18EEPetr Hlinený: A Parametrized Algorithm for Matroid Branch-Width. SIAM J. Comput. 35(2): 259-277 (2005)
17EEPetr Hlinený, Detlef Seese: On Decidability of MSO Theories of Representable Matroids. IWPEC 2004: 96-107
16EEPetr Hlinený: Crossing Number Is Hard for Cubic Graphs. MFCS 2004: 772-782
15EEPetr Hlinený, Robin Thomas: On possible counterexamples to Negami's planar cover conjecture. Journal of Graph Theory 46(3): 183-206 (2004)
14EEJames F. Geelen, Petr Hlinený, Geoffrey P. Whittle: Bridging Separations in Matroids. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18(3): 638-646 (2004)
13EEPetr Hlinený: On Matroid Properties Definable in the MSO Logic. MFCS 2003: 470-479
12EEPetr Hlinený: Branch-Width, Parse Trees, and Monadic Second-Order Logic for Matroids. STACS 2003: 319-330
11EEPetr Hlinený: Crossing-number critical graphs have bounded path-width. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 88(2): 347-367 (2003)
10EEPetr Hlinený: On the Excluded Minors for Matroids of Branch-Width Three. Electr. J. Comb. 9(1): (2002)
9EEPetr Hlinený: Crossing-Critical Graphs and Path-Width. Graph Drawing 2001: 102-114
8EEPetr Hlinený: An Addition to Art Galleries with Interior Walls. Discrete & Computational Geometry 25(2): 311-334 (2001)
7EEPetr Hlinený, Jan Kratochvíl: Representing graphs by disks and balls (a survey of recognition-complexity results). Discrete Mathematics 229(1-3): 101-124 (2001)
6EEPetr Hlinený: Contact graphs of line segments are NP-complete. Discrete Mathematics 235(1-3): 95-106 (2001)
5EEPetr Hlinený: The Maximal Clique and Colourability of Curve Contact Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 81(1-3): 59-68 (1998)
4EEPetr Hlinený: Classes and Recognition of Curve Contact Graphs, . J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 74(1): 87-103 (1998)
3 Petr Hlinený: Touching Graphs of Unit Balls. Graph Drawing 1997: 350-358
2 Petr Hlinený, Jan Kratochvíl: Computational Complexity of the Krausz Dimension of Graphs. WG 1997: 214-228
1 Petr Hlinený: Contact Graphs of Curves. Graph Drawing 1995: 312-323

Coauthor Index

1Markus Chimani [38]
2James F. Geelen [14]
3Omer Giménez [19] [21]
4Isidoro Gitler [31]
5Luis A. Goddyn [26]
6Georg Gottlob [37]
7Winfried Hochstättler [26]
8Jan Kratochvíl [2] [7] [32]
9Jesús Leaños [31]
10Petra Mutzel [38]
11Roman Nedela [32]
12Marc Noy [19] [21]
13Sang-il Oum [34] [35] [37]
14Gelasio Salazar [29] [31] [33] [36]
15Detlef Seese [17] [20] [37]
16Martin Skoviera [32]
17Robin Thomas [15]
18Geoff Whittle (Geoffrey P. Whittle) [14] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)