
Toru Hitaka

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5EEYoichi Tomiura, Shosaku Tanaka, Toru Hitaka: Estimating satisfactoriness of selectional restriction from corpus without a thesaurus. ACM Trans. Asian Lang. Inf. Process. 4(4): 400-416 (2005)
4EEYoichi Tomiura, Teigo Nakamura, Toru Hitaka, Sho Yoshida: Logical Form of Hierarchical Relation on Verbs and Extracting it from Definition Sentences in a Japanese Dictionary. COLING 1992: 574-580
3 Hiroaki Tsurumaru, Toru Hitaka, Sho Yoshida: An Attempt to Automatic Thesaurus Construction from an Ordinary Japanese Language Dictionary. COLING 1986: 445-447
2EESho Yoshida, Hiroaki Tsurumaru, Toru Hitaka: Man-Assisted Machine Construction Of A Semantic Dictionary For Natural Language Processing. COLING 1982: 419-424
1EEToru Hitaka, Sho Yoshida: A Syntax Parser Based On The Case Dependency Grammar And Its Efficiency. COLING 1980: 15-20

Coauthor Index

1Teigo Nakamura [4]
2Shosaku Tanaka [5]
3Yoichi Tomiura [4] [5]
4Hiroaki Tsurumaru [2] [3]
5Sho Yoshida [1] [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)