
Robert Hiromoto

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8 Martin Hash, Robert Hiromoto, Scott Harrison: 3D Animation Streaming. WEBIST (1) 2006: 457-460
7 Robert Hiromoto, B. R. Wienke, R. G. Brickner: The performance of asynchronous iteration schemes applied to the linearized Boltzmann transport equation. Parallel Computing 18(3): 241-268 (1992)
6EERobert G. Babb II, Lise Storc, Robert Hiromoto: Developing a parallel Monte Carlo transport algorithm using large-grain data flow. Parallel Computing 7(2): 187-198 (1988)
5 Tsutomu Hoshino, Robert Hiromoto, Satoshi Sekiguchi, S. Majima: Mapping schemes of the particle-in-cell method implemented on the PAX computer. Parallel Computing 9(1): 53-75 (1988)
4EEPaul O. Frederickson, Robert Hiromoto, John C. Larson: A parallel Monte Carlo transport algorithm using a pseudo-random tree to guarantee reproducibility. Parallel Computing 4(3): 281-290 (1987)
3EERobert Hiromoto: Some issues in parallel processing as encountered on the Denelcor HEP. Parallel Computing 3(2): 111-127 (1986)
2EERobert Hiromoto: Parallel-processing a large scientific problem. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 233-237
1 Robert Hiromoto: Results of parallel processing a large scientific problem on a commercially available multiple-processor computer system. ICPP 1982: 243-244

Coauthor Index

1Robert G. Babb II [6]
2R. G. Brickner [7]
3Paul O. Frederickson [4]
4Scott Harrison [8]
5Martin Hash [8]
6Tsutomu Hoshino [5]
7John C. Larson [4]
8S. Majima [5]
9Satoshi Sekiguchi [5]
10Lise Storc [6]
11B. R. Wienke [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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